
Good morning.

Still recovering from The Lost Weekend in London, two weekends ago.

Work was hard but rewarding. Felt like total shit, but got everything planned. basically got to put my head down and get the basics done. Lots of spreadsheets to short out. Fortuneatly we have a new Admin Assistant. Felt rotten about dumping a load of filing on her today, and Darth Stevens ( the boss) took the mikey, but if it clears the mess that is taking over every available space then I’m going to do more of this sort of dumping from a great height. At the end of the day too tired to do achieve much, but made a start.

Good choice not to post anything earlier from work, since you would have got some really weird stuff.

Stocked up with food at the supermarket after work, felt very couply and had dangerous but heart warming thoughts when I saw the small children running around. Don’t worry I’ll have a cold bath and get back to the harsh reality of being a pushy career person later. Until let me induldge myself in the fantasy of hearty dad. I’ll be 30 in just over a year you know…maybe I better start wearing open toed sandles.

Got home and fell asleep after a nutrious tea of Crunchy nut cornflakes and Pizza, for a couple of hours.

Gonna surf, perhaps do some more journal entries then have an early night. 🙂

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