Did bugger all on Saturday, except after uploading the latest patch for Half-life spent alot of my time playing the Gathering Mod,which has Bot support, and alsorts of loopy super powers, plus models from Star Wars & the Aliens Films, check it out at.
During the evening stayed in, because frankly I was knacked. Played more HL and drank beer, before gonig to bed at 1.
Sunday woke up on the crest of a wave, and whizzed about getting alsorts of things done. Did tons of housework, set up a e-group for the Roleplaying project I am working on with 4 others, updated the Eurolog site and did some writing for the RPG project (Character Types)
Probably abit too hyper and didn’t go to bed until 1am, after a lengthy discussion with the mirror about some minor issue (bloody carparking rota) at work that is really bugging me.