What a busy week!!!!!

Can’t believe what a eventfull week it has been. I can feel it today because, today is going so slow. I am going to have to sort out this weekly energy peaks and troughs, I seem to be at my best on Thursday, as well as the monthly cycles so I can best plan my times to act and my times to rest.

Begining to focus less on the Masters, its out of my hands and cynicism is begining to creep in that I woun’t get on the course or they won’t tell me with enough time for me to give notice at work (by the begining of September).

Therefore I am focusing on things I can work on. Such as the up coming Gen-Con and the upcoming busy period at work (basically all the way upto XMAS).

Other News this week. Rachel’s friend from school Sharon came upto stay with us, since she had a Lawyer’s course here in Leeds. All I can say she is a really nice person who I imeadiatly warmed too, but boy is she opperating in a much more hectic go getting lifestyle, which seems to frazzle her nerves quite serverly at times.

Was nice to see her though. 🙂

Right back to chilling now. Off to see folks later this evening.

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