Been a while but I’m back. Its a tale of two busy weekends, Gen_con (woo woo!) and my mates’ Annie’s wedding in the Lowlands of Scotland last weekend, and the exhaustion that has followed.
Will post write-ups of these events later in the week, because both were monumental!
Today was a cheese sandwich sort of day, in that that’s all I ate today until I made a well received Veggy Shepards Pie for me and the Good lady of Smethurst.
Beginning to withdraw slowly from the wacky world of work (ho ho) and allot of projects that I was working on.
The Shared World Project was officially declared Terminally Ill last week, and closed down (although I gained consent to do a handbook using the material that the 4 Board members wrote. Basically the project turned into a discussion group and lacked the momentum to carry it forward. However it is a surprisingly good setting which none of us would have done on our own, and may form the background for a fantasy play by e-mail game later this year.
Two other projects have reached a cross roads where I have to take time to reaccess.
The first is Frag-energy. I need to sort out where I am going article wise, also what I want to with all these ideas for Mods that I want to get done. To many ideas, not humanly possible to do everything at once. However it more a case of start Medium then go big, as I’ve already done my small stuff here. The whole site is undergoing that transformation as the Webmaster Guarddog is trying to sort out the site so that it gets more hits. I been doing some research about this with people who have run gaming sites before and I will have to share with him tomorrow.
The second is The Forum
an EGroup that I run for Eurolog. With the implementation of a message board at the main site, a much more appropriate place which is closer to the people who run this gamers association, it really makes that feature of Forum a bit redundant. Turn out so far has been a bit poor, and I’m going to have to have a think on how to keep things up and going. It has far to many good feature to let go. Will have to start a campaign of getting things up and going.
Oh by the way if you like Quake 3 check out Q3 Jailbreak a top notch pro-quality mod that completely wasted all Saturday into the wee hours of the morning.
Oh other big news of the week is that I got my Carreer Development Loan through so if off to Uni to do a MSc in Software Development I go in a couple of weeks.