Well it is certainly for me that it is.
Having a good productive day on the work front, getting lots of articles for the Literature Review I’ve got to get done by the end of the week. Also found out that the 1st album by Dog Fashion Disco is available for download at mp3.com. So having a jolly time downloading it and listening to it. Click here if you want to do the same. Along with Rammstein’s latest “Mutter”, which I picked up last week, DFD’s 2nd album is one of the best things I’ve heard all year.
Returned from Battlemasters‘ which was held over last weekend. Had an absolute cracking time…and have recovered more rapidly than I expected.
Now got to get my head down, since its assignments and exams all the way upto mid-June, and my Masters Project until mid-September.
Many personal projects have been put on hold as a result and my latest phrase is “When I finish my degree 1 will…..”
Oh well back to work