Well my tranquiltiy from the holiday lasted all of five minutes when I returned the madhouse that was work last week. Nearly lost my sense of humour, and had a couple of outbursts before I got a grip on myself. Woke up on Saturday back to my usual happy self.
Had a very productive weekend. Got some rpg writing done, more for fun than publication, for my PBEM HeroQuest game. Played a fair bit of Day of Defeat: Source, which is like DOD but on speed with much prettier graphics. A nice game but one to avoid any public servers with more than 16 slots or brace your self for a bunny-hopping-run-and-spray-grenade spamming experience.
Did a great deal round the house, some more on the front garden, and we dropped the last of the excess books at Oxham in Headingley. Had a humbling experience as we crawled through traffic near the Original Oak/Skyrack as I realised I have been in Leeds 15 years!!! Man its time to move on!
Also popped over to Oldham to see the in-laws on Saturday day. Had a cracking pub lunch with much fine beer and had a quick drive round some of the houses Rach has seen on the Internet. Realised that we can now pop over and go in and look at houses! We’ll be doing this in upcoming weekends, when Rach isn’t working.
Work has calmed down and I am just plodding along now. Tomorrow I fly and get start coding some web applications that have been gently calling my name in the last busy month or so.