Obligatory 1:30am posting

Well last week sucked big balls. I usually don’t post unless I have something pleasant to say. But tonight I’m breaking that rule.

Mum’s visit was cool. She was her usual self-centred cantankerous self, managed to anger Rachel up not once but twice, but it was good to see my old ma, since we hadn’t seen each other in the flesh in over a year. However the europhoia gradually disappeared as the week went on, as I realised we aren’t out of the woods yet on my mother being even half way normal front.

Work is tense, since our boss has disappeared admist moving responsibility of line managing half our team to our network manager (who just wants to be a techy nerd not a manager type). I’m weaselling to the new IT support team, since I’m at the end of my tether with my present boss. Suffice to say our so called “Team leader” has no idea what his job entails, and is winding people up right left and centre. Plus I have a couple of tight deadlines coming up, with no support from aforementioned team leader. Joy.

Rach is working nights which is a load of crap. I’m not sleeping well, as the lateness of this post suggests. Self deprivation is an interesting experience. Saying all this It was nice to see her this weekend.

On the plus side, I’ve just bought The Burning Wheel Rpg”, which is a classy set of books which is revigorating my interest in my hobby, and tonight I’ve watched Once Upon a Time in America and Bubba Hotep.

This coming week better be easier than the one gone, or else I’ll cry.

At this present time I hate everyone, my self first.

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