Just in case you couldn’t be bothered catching up with our heros story thus far…..

An idea nicked and modified from itsjustaname‘s post which reviewed her year by taking the first paragraph of her first post for each month.

Ladies and Gentleferks, I present to you

Well this is the first entry in my new Live Journal. A big hello to you who are reading this hope you enjoy the ride

Well and truely fell of the wave I am riding at the moment. Perhaps you saw it coming as I fell behind with my Journal entries.

I’m back from Gen-con. Time for Sleep. Good Night

Guess what I’m not at work!!! Had my leaving on Friday and that left me Green until pretty much today.

Man it is dusty as hell in the Living room, which also houses DAS UBERCOMPUTER. We are having a new fire put in next Thursday, and today the builder came round to enlarge the hole in the wall. It was damn quick, about an hour of drilling, with a big fuckin’ drill, and then it was over.

Tirelessly I have toiled over the past couple of days to finish this site Redesign.
More buttons, tables now hold things in place. Updated links.


We that’s 2000 done and dusted! What a terrific rollercoaster ride of a year it has been, and the level of personal change has been unprecedented.

I haven’t written anything in a while because I have only just returned to reality after a blissful week at Centre Parcs in Norfolk. Man did I need it. Just after Xmas to the end of Jan, was a bad time at work for Rach and the end of my first semester, so assignments galore. It was a time that I now refer to as the “Black Hole”. The holiday was really nice and relaxing, lots of trees, wildlife, watersides. Had an ace Shiatsu massage…I would recommend it to anyone ( I have LYMPH NODES….and they were DRAINED!!!). Really bizarre coming back to the hustle and bustle of Leeds. A little voice in my head keeps on telling me to relax and let it flow and so far I’m remembering to listen.

Seemed to have reached the stage where I realise that give focus and energy I can achieve anything. The support network…i.e. Friends…kicking in..now all I have to do is chose which projects to carry forward for the six months or so.

Techy winge here…..
With BT chucking us off its unmetered service, I’m now surfing courtesy of the arch-satan of ISPs AOL!!

Just popped into LiveJournal.com, and found a really nice Java client.Hmmmn nice

..nearly there at the holy grail that is end of exams, but man I’m i bored!!!

Man its been unrelentingly hot here in Leeds, and nationally, since I finsshed my exams two weeks ago.

Strange things seem to be happening to my homepage…suspect I’ll be moving hosts soon.O

Hello, I’m back I think?


Well after moving my journal to my own site, and then watching it die a death, I’m back with Live Journal……3 years on!!!!

A spot of good sleep last night really helped my spirits to go up. Even when I got up this morning, and events started to proceed as yesterday (late out, half awake zombie fighting through the train station, just missed train etc) there was that slight “things are better today” up swing feeling to it all.


There now follows a message from our sponsors…..

More profound musings to follow once I’ve got over my hangover.

Furthered my professional development today, by getting some nice chunky web programming books. This was made possible by work who pay out for such things 🙂

After a couple of busy previous weekends I was due for a quiet one. For some reason my mind woke up on Friday morning with the instruction ‘ this weekend is Iron Maiden weekend’. Not willing to argue with instructions from the depths of my subconscious, I decided to revisit my heavy metal youth.

What a long time it has been. Well I have been a busy boy 🙂

May There’s a prize for the first person to tell me what’s going on here.

That’s right kids, just one lunch hour down the pub with keefybabe has made it difficult to get my head round doing any more work.

Woke up not so bright and early, checked the Tavern (a RPG forum I frequent) and found a post linking to a discussion on RPG.net about Mongoose Publishing doing an official revamp of RuneQuest, a fantasy role-playing game that I used to play pretty much solidly for five years.

Well the leafy one got up to Leeds on Friday night and him and deputy_dug had a right rollicking bachelor night out on the tiles, which deputy_dugcan fill in the gory details.

Yesterday was fun. I didn’t expect it to be, but it was.

Well my tranquiltiy from the holiday lasted all of five minutes when I returned the madhouse that was work last week. Nearly lost my sense of humour, and had a couple of outbursts before I got a grip on myself. Woke up on Saturday back to my usual happy self.

“What is right for one soul may not be right for another. It may mean having to stand on your own and do something strange in the eyes of others. But do not be daunted. Do whatever it is because you know within it is right for you” Eileen Caddy, co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation, Scotland

Last night I decided to take a break from playing my usual first person shooter games and try a different type of computer game. This resulted in one of the most humiliating gaming experiences of my entire life!

Ladies and Gentlemen I present…

“Why I shouldn’t be allowed to play the Sims”

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