Go the office to myself this afternoon, hence the post.
Things have been quietly busy here at work since my return to Germany. Working under my new boss is quite frankly bliss. While I’m still managing my own workload I get support from him that my previous boss quite frankly couldn’t be arsed. I’m really racing ahead on the work that I am doing and things are developing quite well 😀
Still settling into the new house. It still feels slightly unreal and I’ve recently realised how freaked out I’ve been of late. I don’t miss Leeds one bit, but the constant newness of everything sometimes is a bit overwhelming. I could also do with some sort of social life this side of the hills.
Current challenges are dealing with the backgarden, which with the rain-sun cycle which we’ve had of late is turning into a right jungle and sorting out books/papers that were thrown into cupboards when we first arrived. Part 2 of the great RPG/comic sale has to kick off soon, since the garage is full of this stuff and I’d like room to store things more appropriate to a garage. Some sort of push bike may be in order, even though Rach doesn’t like the idea of dreamy hippys on blissfully unaware biking on the busy roads.
Off to see Skindred at Manchester Academy tomorrow and off to a wedding of one of Rach’s workmates at the weekend.
Here’s some piccys of the garden.