
Life continues to move at light speed in the land of black puddings and opportunity.

Just about recovered from Continuum last weekend. I was lying when I said I was having a break from my gaming pursuits, since almost imeadiatly after posting that I was rattling of a proposal (for something I was actually commissioned to do about a year ago), shooting off emails and been asked to write for a new project which should be quick easy fun and actually make me a bit of loot (codenamed: Yes project).

Rachel officially joined the IPOD generation on Saturday, and despite the Nano she bought not being pink has wholeheartly bought into the whole brand.

Next project on my list of things to do after moving house is learn to drive. Of course before they let you control a ton of steel on the open road at high speed you have to have 20/20 eyesight. For those of you who have seen me squint or move closer to a notice you know that I don’t fulfil this criteria. In fact I gave up wearing my glasses 10 years ago, when I was poor skint and wanted to chase girls (in fact once I took off my glasses they started chasing me!!!). But my girl chasing days are over and I want to learn to drive. So on Saturday we went to the Spec Savers in Oldham and in an impressive 45 mins I had been eye tested and sold 2 pairs of modern glasses, one for general use one for looking suave at IT meetings. An hour an a half later I have the glasses, and I’m discovering a whole world of signs and words on the drive home. Had fun watching Battlestar Gallatica on the uberTV and noticing all the extra detail, with the added bonus I recline on the sofa the other side of the room. Only one drawback is that I can now see all the dust and muck around the house, which led to a frenzy of cleaning up.

So I’m busy getting used to viewing the world through glass and will fill/send off provisional liscene form today. Then in a couple of weeks I’ll start learning with the same instructor who taught Rachel 13 years ago and who lives just round the corner.

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