Mums away!!!

Well that was a different weekend for sure.

Took Friday off works and after a couple of hours on the PC playing with my new install of Ubuntu, whizzed round the house and did all the cleaning. Becoming very impressed with how I’m becoming quite a domestic god at home šŸ˜€ Then picked up mum around 2, bought fruit and veggies, caught bus home, made tea and talked for hours until Rach turned up.

Saturday zoomed round about 5 different houses of all shapes and sizes but within Mum’s price range, gave her the guided tour of the local town centres, before going to our local Pizzeria for tea (yum). Then talked for hours until going to bed.

Sunday, was less structured for house hunting, and quite frankly I had enough by now. Saw one house of dubious quality, which mum being mum liked!! Had a long walk round Tandle Hill park (the stunning park at the end of our road) and explained what was wrong with it, and the practicalities of her moving down here, while enjoying the relaxing walk. Then returned home and despite best efforts to watch some TV, ended up talking until bed time.

Overall it the visit was very much mission accomplished. Mum got to see what its like down here, and is pleasantly impressed, and despite some heated words (especially about the last dump house we looked at) there was no fallings out. Now all she needs to do is put her house on the market, which she plans to do in the next fortnight, and for it to sell.

She went home this morning and while I’m looking forward to seeing more of her when she moves down here I’m getting home as quickly as possible to spend time with my inner geek tonight!!

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