I’m so almost there it hurts.
New Beginnings is almost done. Tomorrow and another weekend I reckon and all the text will be done, and then off to friendly nit pickers for comments. Amendments the weekend after that (touch wood) and finally off to the publisher in the first couple of weeks of December. Scary thing is mentally I’m begining to get into this. Already have the next couple of writing projects lined up (thankfully the next codenamed the Xmas Project is much shorter).
The Molad website is almost done. The framework of the site is in place, all I have to do is knock up a quick template and fill in the basic introductory content. I’ve also pleasantly found that I’ve got alot of articles hanging around, so the site will be quite content rich to start with. Then I sit back, get the nitpickers to do a quick review and release it into the wild. I’ve got ideas so I can update it at least once a month, but I’ve made the absolute commitment that in no whay am I going to get emotionally attached to this site, like I have with others in the past. No this is the age of wham-bang-thank-you-mam website design…
House, pretty clean. Just need to tidy away the orphaned books and cds in the middle bedroom then way its done (as far as these things are ever done).
Work…screaming to the end of a three projects, with at least two of the project’s customers screaming for the products. Lets hope I can deliever otherwise deadlines will have to be reneogiated yet again….