Mother – she’s sold her house in Northumberland and is coming down this weekend to come and look at houses in our neck of the woods.
HeroQuest – I’ve nearly finished all my stuff on my HD clear out (Unspoken Word will be getting a chunk of stuff off me soon), is up to about 80 members, with nearly 900 posts in four months and Robin Laws is doing a new version and he’s canvasing for opinions on my forum!!! Bumped into one of the writers for HQ the other day and from what he was saying glad I’m getting out of the HQ writing game!
Furnace is well and truly smoking. Some good games have already been promised (Mark Galeotti running Mythic Russia, Dom Mooney running an aliens style 2300AD using Savage Worlds, Rik Kershaw-Moore running three games of Cthulhu) and more on the way.
Monkey research is nearly over. Got a good grasp of Chinese magic and mythology, and how I want to present it in the game. I expect the first complete draft to be done by easter.
Secret RPG project is still secret but coming along nicely in the small chunks of time I have to do writing.
Laptop from work is a godsend. Not only can I do writing/surfing and keep Rach company but its also giving me the opportunity to finally twiddle with Linux in its Ubuntu flavour. Next stage some coding.
Garden – Is starting to come to life. Looking forward to doing more this year.