Well I’m now officially closer to Forty than Thirty. Reaching he heady heights of 36 is weird, after grappling with myself to go back in time to my twenties, I suddenly find myself feeling ageless.
But enough ot such existential meanderings. Onto cold hard facts of why this was the best birthday weekend EVAR!!
Friday – The day of the Birthday itself – Off work chilling out with a very happy giggly Eve. Couple of beers in the evening (remember 3 is the new 5!)
Satuday – Relatively chilled day, combined with fast n furious house tidy in preparation of Dad turning up. Had a relaxed evening with Dad, Rach and Eve.
Sunday – Eve’s christening. A smallish event (30 odd people) made up of close friends and family. Big thanks to everyone who turned up, esp the Mad Man Ginger Matt who got up at 5 in the morning, drove all the way from South Wales, for the 10:30 service and then drove straight back after coffee at ours at about 4 in the afternoon!!! After everyone went home opened big pile of christening presents and put helium balloons in new porch – which is now officially the Balloon Garden!!