Twilight’s last gleeming…

    So I sit here in the office awaiting the end, surrounded by packing crates. The rest of my colleagues have technically moved out of the office, but their stuff remains.  Like all moves its total chaos, with horror stories from the other end of the New Building that the rest of the school is moving into being not fit for purposed and actually damaged as heavy desks go crashing into glass doors/windows/partitions. Me and the rest of IT are moviing to another building which I’m sure will have its own challenges, but my colleagues feel a certain amount of smugness as the people they feel have betrayed them in reacent months move into a nightmare of a building.

Personally I’m in a more reflective mood, as  I sit here on my own I feel as if I’ve come full circle to when I started this job over three years ago when I had the office to my self. Ho hum, time to move on….

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