Greetings from the Abyss of deep joy

Time for an update?yar think its time for an updatey thing.

My brain has melted from all the work I’m doing at the moment. Home is intense as me and Rach move up a gear to become ……TIDY PEOPLE. Work is intense as two projects are coming to an end soonish. As for roleplaying nonsense, three out of five adventures for continuum are completely written up with pcs in a form that is suitable for two other Games Masters to run them for me. Another two to write up (but these are much shorter fortunately), two talks to put together (with slide shows). Hearts in Glorantha is in the bag, copies for Continuum have turned up today (BIG PHEW!), and I slowly move towards getting SimpleQuest ZeroEdition done, but alas my table fu in InDesign is weak and I’m doing the Equipment chapter at the mo 🙁 Next weak I have fun doing posters, sign up sheets, setting up forums, designing T-shirts etc.

Our Evie becomes more animated and bonkers as the days roll on. She’s a cheerful little character, who’s very close to walking and very alive and awake. Its really inspirational watching her engage with the world in a full on intensity which I think us adults have lost.

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