
So Winter is truely upon us here in Sunny Oldham. Not just a ‘oh doesn’t it get dark early’ sort of winter, but proper ‘brrrr put the heating on love’ sort of winter. Outside I see some snow on the ground and lots of freezing fog – which inspires me to thing ‘eldrich’ for no particular good reason.

In personal news I’m settling into hibernating during these cold days whilst keeping my mood sunny and light. I’ve got over the recent bout of woe is me and emoness that seemed to blight me in recent months. I put it partially down to tiredness, but also down to resistance to some personality changes I have to make to get on with the game of life.

Working on Hearts in Glorantha issue 2, which should be available mid December, certainly before XMAS.  SimpleQuest while athough temporarily on hold also should be out just after XMAS. Other projects ferment in my brain and collaborators are being contacted to hammer out the details.

Workwise I’m settling back into a nice day to day rythm after the big anti-climax which was the Intranet release. Off doing an ITIL course next week, which will look good on the old CV and allow me to understand the strange language Greg (our Helpdesk Manager) talks these days.

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