Its sunny!

Winter blooz completely banished after a long weekend with the family.  Had an especially nice day with Evie on Saturday doing lots of activities, drawing, gardening and washing up as well as the usual playing with toys and watching TV.

On the Sunday got to play Wordplay with the Black Horse County Troop and playtest my Infinite War theme. Wordplay is officially my new favourite RPG. Its a narrative game and in some senses is a continuation of the D6 dicepool mated with HeroQuest. But its very much its own man and a hell of alot of fun throwing piles of dice across the table! Check it out, lastest playtesting document is available for free (and there will always be a free version) over at gspearing ‘s Wordplay Development blog. 

Rach is begining to feel better after nearly a month of back pain. 

My big news for the week is that I’ve got the green light to self-publish about six years worth of HeroQuest scenarios that I’ve had sat on my hard drive by the big man himself, Greg Stafford 🙂

Also going out for the first time in ages on FRIDAY, if you can get down to the Lass O’Gowrie in Manchester I’ll be there haveing a pint with my mate Rob from about 4:30 to 7ish.


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