
Us Newts are prospering at the moment.  After a week or so everone is finally over our colds, which is especially good news for the children. Poor Henry has had a cold of some discription virtually since he was born, plus a dose of the collic.Evie was temparorilay turned into a snot monster from a John Carpenter film.  All that is left to do is for us adults to catch up on sleep.

My birthday was the win. I took last monday off (it will be a dark day when I have to work on my b’day) and we all went for a pub lunch at the ace Turks Head. Goto a copy of Andrew Marr’s Making of Modern Britian from my mum which is good timing since the series started this week. A good narrative political history, which is interesting especially in light of recent events, such as the ‘rise’ of the BNP and such nonsense as the British Citezan Test. The rest of the family chipped in for a Acer Aspire One 531 netbook, which is the awesome bit of kit I’m composing this post on.

BTW I’m back on Skype as mrnewt if you want to contact me.

To Finsh off here’s a picture of me and the children, taken using the new ‘Newtbook’ ’s webcam.


Mirrored from Newtworld.

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