Another catch up photo post, this time for May.
Spring finally gets here, garden goes beserk in response 🙂 Nice to have some ‘normal’ weather for a change.
Evie turns nine, we go bowling and lazerquesting with her friends. Parents some how survive the experience of the small girls screaming and squealing. Touching moment when they all broke into song singing five or so songs from Joseph’s Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat which they are doing with school soon.
A day out in Manchester with the family, travelling via the tram (which was a big success) and then pottering about town centre. Surprisingly this is something we’ve never done before.
Getting the proofs for my latest book Project Darklight (squee!!!) 🙂
The much delayed Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Kickstarter finally delivering and it being a thing of complete beauty. Hats off to Mike Mason and Paul Fricker 🙂