June 2016

After Disneyland Paris and Games Expo it was time to take it easy and just well have a family summer. Which is what according to my photographic record is what we did 🙂

Garden a bit of jungle :)
Garden a bit of jungle 🙂
I am your father!
I am your father!
Going the scenic route home from school pt1
Going the scenic route home from school pt1
Going the scenic route home from school pt2
Going the scenic route home from school pt2
Going the scenic route home from school pt3
Going the scenic route home from school pt3 You can see our house from here
Henry and the Stormtrooper
Henry and the Stormtrooper
Boing! Boing! Boing!
Boing! Boing! Boing!
Have at you!
Have at you!
Games afternoon with Grandma
Games afternoon with Grandma
Due to recent failures Project Manager Cthulhu is put under glass
Due to recent failures Project Manager Cthulhu is put under glass
Henry and his dragona
Henry and his dragon
Its not holidays yet Evie
Its not holidays yet Evie
H growing up, but still a happy lad
H growing up, but still a happy lad

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