After our H’s Secondary School Head Teacher effectively expelled him last June (the fecking weasel), followed by our Local Education Authority SEND team miscommunicating and dragging their feet about sorting out a new school, we went to see a specialist Autistic school today, and he starts next week!
Here’s to a fresh start for all of us, especially H, who was mature and sensible enough to see that this school is the best place to continue his educational journey.
I’m going to miss him being at home, and I appreciate that I got to look after him and keep him safe when his previous High School failed to do so. Some of the chats about life and politics on our daily dog walks, I hope, will be as useful as anything he missed at school during the five months he was out. But it’s time for him to have a happy school life and some friends. Besides, his new school has an after-school D&D club, so they must be good 🙂