Normally at this time of the year, I’d be crawling back under my covers after a brief post-Christmas burst of energy and optimism, followed by a crash due to cold weather and catching the back-to-work snots.
- The great house spring cleaning has begun.
- Henry is back in school!
- Evelyn coping with school, despite it being GCSE Year
- Next holiday booked!
- OGL Dumpster fire avoided.
- Elaine’s house is getting sorted. LOOK AT MY BIG BADASS HUMIDIFIER!!!
- Not one but two games on the cusp of being released!
- The existing back catalogue doing well.
- Tax return done
- Seeing a lot more of my wife, and shift work more manageable.
- The weather is perking up!
- I’ve started another Fallout 4 play-through and its fun and I’m finding new fresh things, even after it being my go-to game for something like seven years (with Borderlands 2 being a close second).
So much excitement….I’ll think I’ll have a calm down in a darkened room 😀
Ironically our real-life Christmas decorations, which we’ve had up since the last week of November due to us going away to Lanzarote for a week, have just gone back into the attic – because even the prime architect of Christmas year (the stylish and exuberant Evie) says it doesnt’ feel like Christmas any more. 😀