Category Archives: Family

I iz 41!

Gosh already? Is my first thought on this one. Then a realisation that 40 was a busy busy year indeed (as briefly touched on in my previous post). Indeed 41 is already quite brisk and I must endeavour to keep this place a bit more updated to reflect that.

So the actual day was Friday just gone, and it was very low key indeed. I nearly let the family sleep in, while I quietly slipped out to work, but my mother in law Elaine turned up (she regularly helps with the school run and is a big supporter in childcare in general with both me and Rachel working) and reminded me the kiddies would have wanted to give me presents and cards. So everyone was quickly risen and presents were presented. Win. I then went into work, for the first time in years, a necessary sacrifice considering the mess my Annual leave got into last year. But hey it was a quiet but productive day and I saw my mate John Ossoway, a long time collaborator with D101, for lunch at the aptly named Happiness noodle bar, just across the road from where I work. Then home to a quiet night in with the family and birthday Pizza for Tea! No fine real ales since I’m still shifting me winter sniffles 🙁


Saturday was an awesome day. Bright and sunny, me and the kids had a lazy day around the house, while Rachel who has Bronchitis at the moment, took it easy. A quick trip to Tandle Hill Country Park, with Evie and Henry, ice cream, slides and small kiddy bikes. Aceness 🙂

Sunday was almost the complete opposite. When I awoke it had rained heavily, and the freezing fog was everywhere. I feel a huge snotty cold emerge, and with my achy limbs, I proceeded to be a grumpasaurus to all concerned. Then I remembered my wife’s recent warning; “Do you want to be known as the Grumpy old man?” and got my head together and my emotions under control. A process that I call becoming Awesome and bringing home the Win 😉 The day drastically picked up from there.  Briefly went out to the local garden centre, to pick up Halloween bags for the kids, and then a quick trip to Morrisons to do the weekly shop. To top off this day I had a cracking RPG game, Savage Worlds Weird War 2, where our little group was bolstered to three players!!!

Overall I’m feeling a confident 41, well on the mend from all the upsets that plagued my 40th year. Here’s to my 42, where I finally get round to having the party/event that I should have had when I was 40 😉