After a winter, I’ll always remember as cold and wet today it’s nice enough to sit out. Just won’t go rolling about on the muddy lawn 😀
In other news, my latest rpg book, Reboot the Future, turned up today looking glorious. Big thanks to Paul Mitchener for letting me use his Liminal system, Dan Barker, for the two covers, and Jeshields for all the internal art.
One for all you Japan RPG freaks out there. A supplement to the mindboggling excellent Burning Wheel roleplaying game, a game of gritty and intense struggle that revolves around the characters where every decision is leads to definate consquences, ‘The Bloosoms are falling’ is set in the Heian period, specifically the Genpei war which saw the rise of the first Shogun. Apparently it mixes Japanese mythology and religon with the historical setting, and even has rules for using poetry to your advantage in the game!
The game is being printed for GenCon US, but the special pre-order gives you a pdf available at the end of the preorder period (July 17th) as well as the 200+ rulebook when it comes out. Here’s the link
BW is an excellent game. I picked up on it when I was thinking of quiting the hobby, and it really re-energised my and got me going again. This should be an ideal setting for it.