The future

Having another chill weekend here at Castle Von Newport, so as the ladies sleep peacefully I sip coffee and quietly reflect in a playfull way about the Future

IPODs – my nano is definitely dead after going through the wash (DOH!), so Rach has put her foot down and said I must have a new one for XMAS. Its a hard life but after much agonising I’m getting a 80Gb Classic. Oh the humanity!

Job – definitely going Freelance/Self employed. My subconscious is working on it and its being worked on more consciously. May in the short term go for another job, closer to home in the commercial sector, but definitely out of the cosyness of Uni/Public sector. Recent informal meeting with new uberboss in new year, convinced me despite his nice words that continuing where I’m at will slowly drive me bonkers!!

Important thing short term is that I’ve regained my passion and excitement for webdevelopment!! Doing a couple of personal projects, such as the D101games site and the GoPlayManchester page (full site coming when we work out what  we want out of it) has helped. Also helped Rach set up her blog (which is running along nicely, with posts about vegetables named after ‘testicles’!) was fun to. Building Web sites is fun again, something the white-blah of work’s site robbed me off.

– The mighty Continuum and Furnace have been announced!!!

Continuum 2008. John Foster Hall, Leicester University, UK
Friday 1st – Monday 4th August 2008.

Furnace 2008 is booked in the Garrison Hotel’s Diary for the weekend of 18th/19th October.

Both brilliant cons, none of the nonsense you get at say GenConUK, and I’ll be throwing myself into both with gusto!

Already plotting an epic Fantasy Ancient Greek game with scads of figures for SimpleQuest @ Continuum, and have at least one gm interested in helping me run games. Also Monkey should be done and dusted by then and out in book form. Visions of running round the con in a Gorilla suit to promote it keep popping into my head.

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