Back in my mind again

“What the hell was I thinking?” is what I’m left thinking after the last five days or so.

Putting my CV up for the Agencies to find me work was like a cold bucket of water in the face!!! I won’t trawl over the details, but an interview on Monday made me realise what a good deal I’m getting in my new job at Faculty in the New Year, when my current job at the School of Nursing ends. So yesterday morning I took myself off the ‘job market’, as the Recruitment weasels call it, and I’m now looking forward with positivity to my new role at the University, rather than dwelling in negativity on the recent past. I’m still going to be pursing the idea of working freelance, but I’ll be doing it part-time with the comfort of my day job behind it.

One thing however I’ve realised from the interview I had on Monday, is how much I’ve let my programming skills slip over the last six months. Time to start reversing that.

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