My Universe is slowing down…..

Centre Parcs was just what the Doctor ordered. Seven days of pure relaxation. Bike rides, the Aqua Sana (which includes Turkish steam baths, Japanese steam room, a Zen garden, Roman tepid room), Italian resturant, the French cafe, feeding the ducks….  Eve and Elaine enjoyed themselves and there wasn’t a cross word the whole holiday.

Since then I’ve been trying to keep the relaxed attitude that developed while I was away.  After a good seven years of dragging myself out the of the post student days of my late twenties, that has seen my parents split up, two house moves, three funerals, three job moves, both me and Rach retrain, one marriage (ours) and one birth (Eve), I think its time for life to slow down abit. 

While I do concede things will happen to rock the boat whether I like them or not, there’s allot I can do to make my ride smoother – by having a rock solid calm state of mind and by making considered moves.

So far this is paying off. Work is delightful as a result. I’m getting more done in a week than I used to in three months. Its also taking me in new directions that challenge and engage me.

Home is one of those bumper areas. Eve has been teething recently and Rach has found it a bit of a bump coming back home and being Eve’s sole carer during the day, after Centre Parcs where me and Elaine shared the load. While I can’t take the load off Rach, I’ve been making things easier for everyone by being a source of calm help when I get in on the evening.  Having children really brings home  why all the major religons bang on about  serving  others being the first concern and the way to happiness.

So in short I think I’ve reached a personal level that I’ve been struggling for years to achieve. 

Whoa, bit of a introspective post there!

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