Mr Cando

At the start of the year I envisioned 2008 as being not so much a year of me being beset by external events (births, deaths, job change, move house etc) but more a return to calm and harmony where the biggest thing that changes is me.
Oh and I’ve had that in spades the recent couple of weeks as I hurtled through feb! On one hand my new found confidence has been bringing me into new situations and in contact with big exciting things, while an sense of embarrassment and ‘can’t do’ was putting the breaks on and leaving me in a quite grumpy state of mind. While Rach and Eve were away at Hema’s down south for the good part of this week, I got my head sorted and refocused. Out with Mr Grumpy and in with Mr Cando!!

So were does this leave me after the long dark tea time of the soul that was February?

Teetotal – for at least two months, perhaps longer if it really agrees with me. Which at 36 going on 37 and never having a big tolerance for alcohol (3 pints and I’m pissed) even in my roaring 20s could be the case.

RPG Writing – With at least on RPG book to my name being released this year, even if I sit on my hands with everything else I’m doing at present. To quote Loz Continuum’s chairman;

Liber Newtus – the con fundraiser for this year is the ‘Liber Newtus’. Newt Newport, a great friend of the con and known to many of you, has given us permission to collect together and publish all his MOLAD scenarios for HeroQuest in a single, bumper volume. All the proceeds of the sale of this book go to Continuum, and we’d like to say a big Thank You to Newt for his generosity. “

Although some of this is previous glory, stuff that was published via the old Masters of Luck and Death website, theres’ going to be some new material that’s not been published before. Suffice to say all this has spurred me on to get Monkey and Simple Quest done so I can have a trio of books available at Continuum. All deeply exciting stuff.

Go Play Manchester
– Just about to have our fourth meet up, and we are getting quite a healthy turn out with numbers up to three tables. Word is getting out to local Manchester rpgers and I’m achieving the target of people getting together once a month and people without a game getting back in touch with established groups. Now thinking of going as a gang to Game08, Manchester 1-2nd November, to have fun and further promote the group.

Home – Operation Tidy up is well underway. Downstairs is clutter free except for the dining room. Upstairs begining to win in the Middle Bedroom, aka the Lair of Newt, the prize being bookshelves for my books (after 8 years of being in boxes!) and a new shiny PC. Also a much happier family as Eve crawls round.

Work – After a massive paranoia attack that I was falling back into bad habits, i.e. drifting along aimlessly and getting sidelined as the real work was elsewhere, this week more or less finished off the big WordPress MU install as a proof of concept, that we can use WP Mu for our research groups/projects who want their own sites and let them get on with it.

Has the pleasant side effect that I’ve learnt enough to set it up for my own and possibly others use. Already have the domain name and software set up at and the plan is to quietly develop it this month, move over, my D101 Livejournal and either set up a general ‘Newt Games’ blog or a Blog about my HeroQuest shenanigans. Then we’ll see if its robust enough to offer to others as a service.

So that’s it for me. Remember Mr Cando, not Mr Cant!

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