Busy but back in the fight!

Back to a bumper three days of work, so in true LJ fashion I need to take time out and post 🙂

Weekend was good if a bit challenging at times. Rach was on shifts both days, so I was left in charge of Evie who was suffering from teething particularly badly on Saturday. Had a bit of me time, courtesy of small child sleeping and Grandma’s taking her out, and as well as doing the housework reaqquanted myself with the joys of Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Quake3 arena on the PC (courtesty of the ID megapack on Steam being £20 for the weekend). It was like the last seven years never happened, but shiner.

Other highlight was the Black Horse County chaps (Rob, Mark , Steve) coming round on Sunday to kick off our Battlestar Galattica campaign. We are using the liscenced game by Margret Weiss productions, and actually as a system it is very good. A bit of an indie rpg in mainstream clothing. It has traits, hero points (called plot points) and a skills system where you roll characteristic +skill + trait all in a very glossy hardback book. Content wise the book was very complete, the players had everything they needed to create characters, the startship deckplans came in very handy, as did the stock npcs. It allowed me and the players to make the game up as we went along. I’ll probably witter on more about it, but it was very strange and exhilarating to be running something other than HQ as a campaign game.

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