Seeing the mass of faces both old and new as I stumbled in from registration and realising that they weren’t going to eat me alive despite registration being a tad chaotic. Thanks folks for bearing with us.
Realising that after helping run it from its inception that the unique vision we had for Furnace pretty much runs itself with the help of the attendees (give yourself a pat on the back). Believe me this was an epiphany of no small importance to me and a moment of great joy and relaxation.
Playing HeroQuest 2 Rumble in the Rumble, and finding out that the new system works fine & smooth with Gloranthaphiles both new and old. Another epiphany of no small importance to me which led to a feeling of great joy and relaxation. HeroQuest 2 may still smell of wee for some folk (and to be honest I’m not convinced by 75% of the new edition) but I can run a game of it that I’m happy with and I can successfully entertain people with. Thanks to Doug, Dave, Andy, Jane and a couple of others who I forget presently, for putting up with the Gloranthan wackyness and bad puns and letting me entertain you with one of the most fun scenarios I’ve written in a long time.
Being nearly killed by Demon possessed cows in Reign. Big thanks to Paul Mitchener for expertly guiding us through a system that has intrigued me greatly since I rushed out and pre-ordered it on the strength of the internet buzz
Hearing the reports back from the SimpleQuest game that I wrote ‘Tomb of the Empty Emperor’ which Neil Ford ran. Lots of good feedback that will go into the final game and glad to hear that despite me writing an over-long scenario you had a great time. Big thanks for Neil for running this, Tom, Jane, Nathan, Doug, and Ginger Matt for playing it. I especially liked the idea that rather than using DEX combat order was determined by Social order
Walking the streets of Serris with the players in Escorting the Goddess. Many thanks to Jane, Otto, Doerte, Doug and Malcolm for vividly bringing to life characters, situations and places that have previously existed in my head!
Thanks to Malcolm, Neil F , Neil G and Andy for giving Monkey yet another glorious outting. One thing I’ve learnt from all the playtest games is that Monkey is really a game that lives or dies (not that it has yet) on the strength of the player’s going for it, and despite it being Sunday afternoon you went for it!!! Neil was nothing short of spectacular for his reprisal of the role of Scribe the Celestial Administrator who downs Tiger Demons with a combination of index card flicking and poetry!
Overall having person after person come up to me and the other committee members and say that Furnace is their favourite con
Provisionally booked in the Garrison 10-11th Oct next year