I’m going to be a Dad again :)

Well I’ve kept quiet about this one too long, probably because I’m in a happy state of shock since ‘pre-production’ didn’t last as long as I had expected, but its official since we had the 12 week scan last week that me and my wife Rachel are expecting our second child sometime mid-September 🙂

Its going to mean a a bit of chaos at home converting the middle bedroom/den  into a room for Evie (Newtlet #1). I stepped down off the Furnace Committee as soon as I knew, since the due date coincides with the busy bit of getting ready for the con. Thanks for Graham and co for keeping quiet. Elaine has stepped up to the mark is already doing a fine job as Games Tzar. Not even sure if I’ll be going since its a month after Newtlet #2 arrives. I’ve half jokingly told my boss at work that I want a steady quiet year, which to be fair working at a University is pretty much on the cards anyway. I’m quietly desperately trying to get as much done for D101 as possible, and so far wining, before I have to take a break in Sept/Oct.

Rachel goes for her first batch of tests on Monday, since Evie’s birth was less than smooth, but she’s beginning to get over the initial bout of constant morning sickness and tiredness.  I’ve got over my initial shock and to be honest I feel a lot more ready this time after the first time round.

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