July 2016 in Photos

Most of July was us just kicking back enjoying the summer and gettnig ready for the camping trip to Glastonbury that was coming up in August.  Weather was pretty meh, occasional sun, a bit of rain (but not very much for our neck of the woods) but mainly overcast. Lots of quality home time though including games and a new barbeque.

Our teeny weeny barbque!
Our teeny weeny barbque!
Nom, Nom, Nom
Nom, Nom, Nom
July was the month that Pokemon Go hit Newports
July was the month that Pokemon Go hit Newports
Henry's first Taekwondo belt
Henry’s first Taekwondo belt
Playing Crypts & Things with the home group
Playing Crypts & Things with the home group
Pirates of the Carribean, rescued from the attic, with our H.
Pirates of the Carribean, rescued from the attic, with our H.
Html 5 Training course with work, find out you've been doing it right all these years without knowing it
Html 5 Training course with work, find out you’ve been doing it right all these years without knowing it

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