Glastonbury Tales 2016

This was our big two week holiday in the Glastonbury area of Sommerset.  It was slightly delayed due to a bit of drama on Evie’s part. Two weeks before she had broken her front tooth in two, and our dentist very kindly stuck it back together. A miracle of modern science! However we had to have a breif check up (something to do with roots possibly dying) on the Monday afternoon of what would have been our first week. So we delayed driving down until mid monday afternoon, which was a good thing because our Rach wasn’t well (she’s been having problems with her gall blader) and I did all the packing of the tent + clothes + kitchen sink over the weekend.  Drive down was cool. Rach got used to our new trailer (verdict great on the motorway, less so on small countrylands). Bristol was a bit bumpy! Just as folk were tired and tempers were flaring we reached our stop off point, a trusty and chilled out Premier Inn.

Leaving the Land of the Pies aka North West of Englad
Leaving the Land of the Pies aka North West of Englad
Chilling out at a Premier Inn just outside Gloucester, abotu 2/3 way there.
Chilling out at a Premier Inn just outside Gloucester, about 2/3 way there.
Outside the Premier inn, my new trailer just in view at bottom
Outside the Premier inn, my new trailer just in view at bottom

Next day after breakfast we did the last third of the drive and after me and Rach put up the tent, she took the kids to the local supermarket while I did the pegging and moved all the ‘stuff’ into the tent. Which was a good way off doing it 🙂

The first glance of the Tor as we arrived
The first glance of the Tor as we arrived
The big green beast
The big green beast
Its not glamping its "comfatable family camping"
Its not glamping its “comfatable family camping”
Rach cooking smores!
Rach cooking smores!
Smores too!
Smores too!

This time out we did alot of loafing around the campsite, because after last years holiday we realised we were spending too much time on a mission to visit places every day. There were complaints from the kids who wanted to spend more time playing with their new frieds. Also Rach was taking it easy due to not feeling well. But that be said we did Longleat Sarari Park as a big day out, Glastonbury muliple times, and we had a couple of trips to Wells. We also got to go to an outdoor swiming pool a couple of times and visit Rach’s friend Hema (some of you might remember as one of Rach’s bridesmaids at our wedding) and her big BIG Bull Mastiff dogs. So overall we had a good venture out.

Longleat Safari park, as you do :)
Longleat Safari park, as you do 🙂
Sleeping penguins
Sleeping penguins
Cheeky Eve and a stingray
Cheeky Eve and a stingray
The Temple of Doom
At the Temple of Doom
Laziest beasts in the Zoo
Hema & John's Biscuit and Fudge, our Henry.
Hema & John’s Biscuit and Fudge, our Henry.
Evie and Fudge
Evie and Fudge
Greenbank Outdoor swiming pool at Street
Greenbank Outdoor swiming pool at Street
Sign at the counter at Bluenote cafe in Glastonbury
Sign at the counter at Bluenote cafe in Glastonbury
There be dragons!
There be dragons!
Way up to Glastonbury Abbey
Way up to Glastonbury Abbey
Witness the epic ruins of the Abbey...
Witness the epic ruins of the Abbey…
..oh hang about we are too busy playing on our tablets...
..oh hang about we are too busy playing on our tablets…
...or photobombing in the crypt! :)
…or photobombing in the crypt! 🙂

I loved this holiday. From the moment we got to the campsite the whole experience was magical. People joked about “feeling the ley lines” , but I felt a rise in energy the whole time I was there, which hasn’t really gone away since I’ve come back.  I would quite happily come again, but the family now have their sights set even futher south ( after realising we can break the journey quite happily by stoping at a hotel ) and at this point Eurocamp in the South of France is on the cards. Rach is even learning French! But I hope to return the Isle of Avalon at some point – if only to finally walk up the Tor which I missed out on doing this time out.

Glastonbury Tor from our campsite
Glastonbury Tor from our campsite
The enternace to our campsite
The enterance to our campsite
Another beautiful night at our campsite
Another beautiful night at our campsite
Eve stargazing using the Ipad outside our tent
Eve stargazing using the Ipad outside our tent
Evie siting pretty at the playcenture in Wells
Evie siting pretty at the playcenture in Wells
Wells Cathedral
Wells Cathedral
H and the kite at the campsite
H and the kite at the campsite


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