October 2016

October and the weather is beginning to really go down hill, but we still have the odd surprising really sunny day.

Highlights this month:

  • Work sends me on a training course for a content management system we don’t even have access to
  • Crypts and Things finally gets released to the general public yay!
  • Having fun at Furnace 2016 despite the whole con being ill.
  • I start staring 50 in the face (thanks Carl Greatbach for that horrible metaphor that is stuck in my head!) as I hide from the world celebrating my 45 birthday!
  • An efficiently run Halloween 🙂
H and his conkers!
H and his conkers!
Rach is cross at Christmas being in the shops this early!
Rach is cross at Christmas being in the shops this early!
Off to Furnace on the train, something I've not done in about 10 years
Off to Furnace on the train, something I’ve not done in about 10 years
First cuppa of the Con
First cuppa of the Con (oh how old I’m getting, this used to be beer!)
Cueing for games sign up
Cueing for games sign up (me out of shot laughing, because as a GM I don’t have to do this)
The Magic Stall!
The Magic Stall!
MItch my secret Hendos advisor
MItch my secret Hendos advisor
River of Heaven in full flow!
River of Heaven in full flow!
Our pair dressed up for School Book Day
Our pair dressed up for School Book Day
Help I'm in Computer Nerd Central
Help I’m in Computer Nerd Central
Cats in Catnip debauchary shocker
Cats in Catnip debauchery shocker
Best Birthday Present Ever!!  Tony the Tea makin sloth :)
Best Birthday Present Ever!! Tony the Tea makin sloth 🙂
Grrr! I be Capt Breadhook, where be my enemy Peter Flan!
Grrr! I be Capt Breadhook, where be my enemy Peter Flan!
This year's pumpkin effort
This year’s pumpkin effort
Halloween at the Newport's
Halloween at the Newport’s

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