Lets talk about the Positive Spiral

Yesterday a whole slew of ‘blockers’ in my life resolved themselves. I’m currently sat here still enjoying that moment. The cheerleading voice in my head that has been previously cheering me on to get these blockers sorted, is having a rest and a nice cup of tea šŸ™‚

As I posted to Twitter/Farcebook at the time:

“Some days are more Awesome and full of Win than others. Not only does the weather remain gloriously sunny, but after a good 9 months we’ve finally got the remortgage through, and the police rang to say they caught the gits who stole our car back in Oct :D”

The thing that surprises me is that it all happened within 24 hours. The remortgage, which takes a whole lot of financial stress of me and my family, I was kinda expecting. The police ringing up about the car theft, H suddenly getting reports of fantastic days at school, and the decision to fire the overly aggressive window cleaner (who was completely meek and accepting) came completely out of the blue. And there were other things as well. I’m in shock! A short of nice shock, were I fell warm and safe and my body is really relaxed. Weights have been removed from my shoulders šŸ˜€

The reason why I’m posting this is not through any sense of self-grandeur. But because of its Mental Health Awareness week. I get people saying “if you are depressed talk about it” that’s what I did when I had a breakdown in my early 20sĀ  (thanks to those who listened). I get people saying “take more care of yourself” because I’ve spent the last 20+ years as a practising Taoist which has a variety of tools/methods for self-care. and improvement (meditation/Chi Kung/Tai Chi etc). But what isn’t said enough about depression is that its not something that you are going to have to suffer and cope with (I hate the term “coping mechanism”) for the rest of your life. If you put the “play” in you will quickly get results and find yourself on an upward spiral, that takes you to a previously undiscovered country of happiness and joy.

Because that’s where I’m at the moment, being sucked “upwards” to a more complete me. I won’t say the word ‘better me’ because I truly love all my previous incarnations, one of the paradoxes I’ve had to get my head around. If a fool like me can do it, so can you šŸ™‚

Right off to walk the dog! šŸ˜€


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