Category Archives: Heart matters

My Morning Routine

This is more a note to my self to keep this up. I’ve been doing bits on and off every day

All the Abundance people at some point say that you should have a regular routine to set you up for the day. My Taoist teacher Barefoot Doctor pretty much says the same, in a looser less defined way (which is what Taoists tend to do, which drives literal non-Taoists up the wall ๐Ÿ™‚ ). He also likened not doing your morning meditation/chi-gung practice as going out without your clothes on.ย  Personal experience bears this out, days where I do at least mediation flow much more smoothly than days where I go “fuck it lets not bother!”

So here’s my morning routine

  • Get up
  • Praise the day, feel that life is essentially good and take some time, at least 5 mins, to appreciate and feel grateful that I’m alive :). (aka Feel the Awesome and be the Win you want to be ๐Ÿ˜€ )
  • Toliet (if needed)
  • Juice roughly 300 g of Celery, and drink the juice (this stops my early morning feelings of bloatedness and works as a general tonic).
  • 5-10 minutes of counting 50 breaths meditation (which settles the mind) followed by visualisation (contact to Tao and drawdown energy, or Barefoot’s Feelings meditation if I’m already feeling overwhelmed or too giddy) or dreamwork depending on what has turned up in my dreams.
  • Get cleaned up.
  • Dance around the kitchen and load the dishwasher ๐Ÿ™‚


Lets talk about the Positive Spiral

Yesterday a whole slew of ‘blockers’ in my life resolved themselves. I’m currently sat here still enjoying that moment. The cheerleading voice in my head that has been previously cheering me on to get these blockers sorted, is having a rest and a nice cup of tea ๐Ÿ™‚

As I posted to Twitter/Farcebook at the time:

“Some days are more Awesome and full of Win than others. Not only does the weather remain gloriously sunny, but after a good 9 months we’ve finally got the remortgage through, and the police rang to say they caught the gits who stole our car back in Oct :D”

The thing that surprises me is that it all happened within 24 hours. The remortgage, which takes a whole lot of financial stress of me and my family, I was kinda expecting. The police ringing up about the car theft, H suddenly getting reports of fantastic days at school, and the decision to fire the overly aggressive window cleaner (who was completely meek and accepting) came completely out of the blue. And there were other things as well. I’m in shock! A short of nice shock, were I fell warm and safe and my body is really relaxed. Weights have been removed from my shoulders ๐Ÿ˜€

The reason why I’m posting this is not through any sense of self-grandeur. But because of its Mental Health Awareness week. I get people saying “if you are depressed talk about it” that’s what I did when I had a breakdown in my early 20sย  (thanks to those who listened). I get people saying “take more care of yourself” because I’ve spent the last 20+ years as a practising Taoist which has a variety of tools/methods for self-care. and improvement (meditation/Chi Kung/Tai Chi etc). But what isn’t said enough about depression is that its not something that you are going to have to suffer and cope with (I hate the term “coping mechanism”) for the rest of your life. If you put the “play” in you will quickly get results and find yourself on an upward spiral, that takes you to a previously undiscovered country of happiness and joy.

Because that’s where I’m at the moment, being sucked “upwards” to a more complete me. I won’t say the word ‘better me’ because I truly love all my previous incarnations, one of the paradoxes I’ve had to get my head around. If a fool like me can do it, so can you ๐Ÿ™‚

Right off to walk the dog! ๐Ÿ˜€


The Days of the Week

These are the days of the week as I see them now, instead of the dull boring/miserable associations I used to use.ย  May it enlighten you and make your days HappyMad too ๐Ÿ˜€

Miraculous Monday.ย I used to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff I assign myself to get done in the week (the dark side of goal setting). Now I just acknowledge the miracle that I’m alive, and the joy of fill my plate high with stuff to do and make sure I have fun doing it.

Terrific Tuesday. Tuesday used to be this draggy non-entity of a day. Not any more, this is where I really get my head down and into the week’s work!

Magic Wednesday. A day of celebration, because at Midday you are suddenly going towards the weekend, rather than away from it ๐Ÿ™‚

Thrilling Thursday.ย It’s nearly the weekend (or the start of the weekend if you are young/young at heart) so get excited!

Fantastic Friday. The fun-filled wrap up of the week’s work.

Slack Saturday, Ok there’s fun stuff to do with the family, but Saturday is the day

Smashing Sunday – Sunday boring and sleepy?ย  NEVER!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

As a FREE bonus for reading this post, here’s Blue Man Group with Mediation for Winners ๐Ÿ™‚

Jess returned!

One of the things that reinforces my faith in the fundamental goodness of reality when it waivers is the adventures of our Henry’s Jess the Cat. This black and white soft-toy has been with Henry since his first Christmas, courtesy of my brotherย George. He/she (I andย Rachel aren’t exactly sure) is his constant companion (excepting school and the occasions where we or Henry decide its best to leave her at home). I’ve lost count the number of times that we’ve lost her on trips out. When he was really young I was forever having to retrace our steps and ask shopkeepers or customer care people “have you seen our Jess?” Sometimes it’s an overnight stay as we have already left the attraction, and we ring them when we get home. But every time, and I mean every time, Jess is returned to us. Noone takes a fancy to her, throws her in the bin, or just can’t be arsed to look for her when we ask and shes be found on some sites that are frankly staggering in size and super busy. Consider the odds of that for a moment.

Her latest adventure was at the Heights of Abraham (which fits the big and super duper busy category), which we visited last week on Thursday on our way home from our short holiday in the Peak District. Henry had wandered off to play in a playground without telling us (which was an anxious 20 minutes in itself) and left Jess on a nearby table. We only realised a couple of hours later when we reached the car, and for a variety of reasons couldn’t simply go back up the cable car to look for her. So Rachel contacted customer care there and then and left our contact details. I politely chased up over the bank holiday weekend, but they were so insanely busy I didn’t actually get through to a human being until Sunday! In parallel, I had also emailed them, and this started a conversation with their office when it opened on Monday. On Tuesday despite a search, they hadn’t found her, and I politely thanked them for their time especially in light of Henry’s attachment to Jess.

Notice at all times I (and Rachel) were polite. No point being otherwise, but it really is part of the magic. People really go the extra mile for you and some really magical things happen as a result. So I send my email conceding defeat in this instance and then five minutes later the nice lady got back to me saying that the park rangers had found Jess in some brambles, a bit soggy but otherwise ok. She then got her washed popped her in the post and she arrived first thing this morning so that when Henry got up he was able to give her a big hugย 

It comes down to this

This year my experiences has led me to believe in no uncertain terms that we are bigger and better than the reality we believe ourselves to be trapped in. It’s like we are constantly looking down at our feet, with an inescapable deep back pain developing from our neck downwards as we break our own backs looking down, while a voice whispers in our ears saying “hey you’ve stepped in shit and everyone can smell it!”. Well not to put it to gently its time to “Free our mind and our ass will follow” and escape this victim-martyr-poor-me mentally.

It costs nothing, and will literally save the world that our thoughts create ๐Ÿ™‚

You are responsible for creating your own Happiness

Wayne Coyne (lead singer of psychedelic rock band The Flaming Lips) on the subject of Creating Your Own Happiness.ย  It took me a long time to LIVE this one fully and I really wish I had done it sooner. Because it really is Awesome and Full of Win ๐Ÿ™‚

P.s I have a wife that puts up with me as well ๐Ÿ™‚

I found this completely by accient btw, while looking up cover versions of King Crimson’s 21st Schizoid Man (of which the Flaming Lips do a really trippy version – which I’ll post in a follow up post).

Of course I can’t get away with this post without including this graceful upbeat song by them ๐Ÿ™‚

Bill Murray sums it up

Talking about being more present in the moment, was something that I’ve had a feeling for – oh like 25+ years. But its been a nagging feeling that has been so overwhelming I’ve stumbled badly to put it into words, even into context within my life. The best I could do was turn that feeling into a life long commitment to the practices of Taoism.

Recently I did a short online course about Taoist Manifestation techniques, to help me really get on with life in a calm and relaxed way, and a basically it came down to “Be happy that you are here”.ย  Amoungst all the mind blowing “you are what you think” techniques, its central message was “Look you are here, be more present, be in good shape and it will all come to anyway”.ย  For a moment I got it fully, then the cynical voices came back and it slipped away again.

Then Bill Murray in full onย  wise elder emerges from the void that is You Tube (OK I’ve been searching for more Bill Murray quotes after coming across this wonderful meme image ), with this…

A fast-slow start to the year

2016 started off in a really epic way, no it really did. Things literally flew through the air into place and everything was nicely lining up to be Awesome and Full of Win. Then like a mirror image of the end of last year, when Rach and Henry were full of cold/Flu for a week, me and Evie (who is the healthiest of all of us) had a grotty cold which stopped us in our tracks. Its been a weird and frustrating week, there’s so much I wanted to get done, but I think the best advice I’ve read during this time is “Take a step back, slow down, and see it all coming” ๐Ÿ™‚

Kinda summing it all up, especially in the light of the recent deaths of David Bowie, Alan Rickman (both this week) and Lemmy, is this short animation by the creators of Southpark, using a fragment of a talk by Alan Watts.

All this makes me want to live more intensely, be more present in the moment, but at a slower more graceful pace. Especially when I’m full of cold at the start of the year ๐Ÿ™‚

Uncle Lemmy RIP?

So they say Lemmy Killminster of Hawkwind/Motorhead fame is dead this week at 70 years of age?

Bollocks say I.

He’s not dead. Not to my 10 year old self bumping into 80s Motorhead fans at the local youth club, thinking “I’m going to be that confident and so self assured when I grow up, and wear denim and have a bullet belt”. Not to my 15-20 year self who worshiped the Holy Trinity of Overkill/Bomber/Ace of Spades. Not to my 30 old self who got picked up by his music every time I was beaten down into the dull routine of ‘grown up life’. Not to my 40+ self who knows the stars that shine the brightest are eternal ๐Ÿ™‚

Nah he’s flying along in a big etheric Silver Machine through the higher frequencies, a new Sonic God to help the faithful kick outย  the jams and hammer the boring and dull ๐Ÿ™‚

and from his time in Hawkwind

Merry Midwinter break!

In my mid-twenties I took time to stop and take stock of what Christmas really meant to me.

Well it certainly wasn’t the Christian Christmas, since I’m not a member of that religion and the whole celebrating Jesus’s birth sort of falls down for me upon releasing that the whole thing was early Christians adopting pagan traditions (this happened all over the shop – Easter is another good one).

And its sure as shit not the bastardised Commercial Christmas with its Coca Cola Santa and its mantra of “Buy at Christmas or the Economy is fucked!“. I mean I like presents as much as the next guy but I hate the whole stress fest that goes around it. Oh and for your conspiracy theory lovers (and skeptics) out there, if you ever want to think about how easy it is to manipulate someone’s reality think about the ritual we go through with small children at Christmas time (thankfully its all fun and magic for them, and they soon see through it as they get older).

No for me its a time to have a break and celebrate that despite all the trials of the year gone by, me and my loved ones (which includes the whole of Reality seen and unseen) are still here (even the ones that have walked through the Doors of Perception) and that Reality is having a short pause for thought, allowing us mortals to stock up on summertime levels of energy through being “Excellent to Each Other and Party On Dudes!” (aka entering a state of pure love) , having a right good old knees up , before the whole Wheel of Time starts turning for another cycle ๐Ÿ™‚

So without much more pontification here’s my favourite ‘Christmas’ Song ๐Ÿ˜€