Yesterday kicked off to an awesome start, with a 7:30 rise and both Tai-chi and exercise
After a spirited start ran out of steam by lunch. Then Darth had a panic about some missing papers, which kinda brought it into focus that I needed to catch up with the filing, something I will try and get truely aniled down next week when David is off.
Popped round to see Foz, who has gruesomely fractured his right leg falling off a skateboard on Saturday. The man was in great spirits despite being his own one man version of “Casualty”.
Spent the rest of the afternoon playing with MEDS (our new electronic filing system, which is at this stage is a quirky beta program), until the next bombshell was dropped.
Thats right Little Bother Boy (section head) is off to a job in the Welsh office, at the begining of September. Hoorah say I ! He has steered the section in a new direction, what we’re not too sure yet, but at the cost of rubbing us up the wrong way at some point or another…and yes his departure will leave us short staffed and leaderless at another crucial point of the year..again.
If the rats are leaving the ship so must I
Sweetie Petie and Ivan came round tonight and we chewed the cud for hours, this all coming about since I have known Pete since Uni but haven’t seen him in the flesh for two years, even though he lives in Leeds. Good job we stayed in touch via E-mail. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again “I love the Internet!”
There was an amusing inciedent involving a meewing toy cat and Pete’s arse, and my job was likened to the man clearing up and filing away after the inifite number of monkeys writing Hamlet (rant in the post)
Promises were made to meet once again to go for a drinking session, and this was probably made reality by cutting short the nver ending flow of chat at eleven.