
Well and truely fell of the wave I am riding at the moment. Perhaps you saw it coming as I fell behind with my Journal entries.

Had a good but manic weekend. Saturday went to Linda’s birthday Barbeque and stayed up wittering away to Dave Bratley until 4.30 in the morning.

Yesterday was certainly lieing on a rather nice white beach at work, after the wipout riding the event wave.

Today was definatly picking myself up and brushing of the debris. Tomorrow is either walking either walking in land and exploring this new inner landscape, or getting back on the board and catching the next wave (which will probably be the case)

So what have I ended up after this particular wave.

1. Determined and resolved to sort out my life, without without alot of the messy ego baggage that was holding me back before.

2. Surrounded by allies who are actively working me, to fufil common goals. The power of the many made one.

3. Tired.

Goodnight one and all.

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