Final Furnace Programme now up

Full games programme is up on the site now

Here’s the listing


Session 1 10:00 – 13:00
JailBreak, Unknown Armies, Fergus Hadley
The Great Duck Point Boat Race, Glorantha Rules Lite, Jane Williams
28 Decisions Later, Cthulhu Now, Paul Lawrence
The Road to Hell, Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium, Scott Dorward
The Curse of the Conqueror, A Doctor Who game using SimpleQuest, Neil Ford
Bleakworlds Graham Walmsley
The Bride of Tight Purse Harvey,Savage Worlds: Pirates, Evil Gaz
Chaos on Crete, Fate 3.0,Pete Atkinson,
Monkey: Bag of Wind Ginger Matt
Memories Aren’t Made of This
,Hot War, Iain McAllister

Session 2 14:00-18:00
The Maiden’s Oath, Pendragon, David Elrick
Tomb of Horrors, Pathfinder RPG, Neil Shaw
Gangsterama, Call of Cthulhu, Glyn White
Space Ship Zero, Rik Kershaw Moore
A Patent Inspector Calls, Suffienctly Advanced, Dom Mooney
Tales of the Water Margin: To Seek the Truth, Fate 3.0,Pete Atkinson
Downtown, Savage Worlds:SLA, Ginger Matt
D&D 4th Living Forgotten Realms: Sense of Wonder, Pete Griffith
The Black Stones of Kovag Re, Wordplay: Conan, Graham Spearing
Rumble in the Rubble, HeroQuest 2, Newt
Cadiz or Bust!,Duty & Honour, Neil Gow

Session 3 19:00-23:00
Ants at a Roadside Picnic, Savage Worlds: S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Neil Shaw
The Delectable Gardens of Mr. Phillip Sagittarius , Continuum RPG, Matthew Hyde
Iron and Fire: Heroes of Dindavara, Reign, Paul Mitchener
The Post Modernists, Cthulhu Rising, John Ottoway
The Last Flight of the Scarab, Call of Cthulhu, David Elrick
Royalty and Rogues, Savage Worlds: Star Wars, Nathan Baron
Posion’d, Graham Walmsley
Gun Runners, Savage Worlds, Dave McAlister
Out of Options,Trinity, Evil Gaz
Threat Space Call of Cthulhu Rik Kershaw Moore
Tomb of the Empty Emperor, SimpleQuest, Neil Ford
Best Friends, Rich Stokes


Session 4 10:00-13:00
Project Lazarus, Dead of Night, Scott Dorward
Ice Work, Traveller, David Elrick
Napalm Jones,Cthulhu Now, Paul Lawrence
Escape Velocity, Cthulu Rising, John Ossoway
Weird Science, Monsters and other Childish Things, Elaine McCourt
Troubles I’ve Seen, Wordplay:Cold Crusade, Mark Galeotti
Swords and Stones, Savage Worlds: Crimson Empire, Rich Stokes
Church of the Ascending Soul, Hunter: The Vigil, Matthew Knighton
The Fall of House Atreides, Conspiracy of Shadows, Dom Mooney
Escorting the Goddess, HereQuest 2, Newt
City of Vipers, Duty & Honour, Iain McAllister

Session 5 14:00-18:00
The New Covenant, Hot War, Scott Dorward
The Hunt, Og Unearthed Edition, Matt Hyde
There’s something strange in the neighbourhood, Qin:The Warring States, Ginger Matt.
Lazy Sunday Call of Cthulhu, Rik Kershaw Moore
Mobsters in Arkham, Call of Cthulhu, Glynn White
Happiness is Dragonewt Shaped, SimpleQuest, Neil Ford
Lacuna Part I: The Creation of the Mystery and the Girl from Blue City, Ric Baines
Penetrating Venus, Savage Worlds, Evil Gaz
Thorn Manor, Wordplay: Fading Suns, Graham Spearing,
To End All Wars, Fate 3.0, Pete Atkinson
Monkey: Ministry of Thunder, Newt
Six Bullets for Vengence, Andrew Kenrick
…oh yes and there’s a couple of weekend tickets left!

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