Very quick update. We now have a date for the c-section Monday 14th September, so things are moving towards that momentous day. On a personal level I’ve been busy getting my head clear and ditching any apprehension and fear I may have. Its very likely that the next post will be a pictorial one of the new baby
Rach is fine as is Evie, who despite a quick cold with fever continues to bounce around and talk us to death. The middle bedroom finally got done last weekend when with the help of Yann, the 15 year old son of a friend of Elaine’s we pulled apart the remaining fitted wardrobe. I’ve also cleared out the remaining bits and pieces, which is just as well since the baby gear (seat, moses basket) is now coming down out of the attic.
Work is getting nicely wrapped up, with all remaining bits getting finished off and handed over to a colleague to support during the three weeks I’m off. That’s right folks THREE WEEKS (2 weeks paternity +1 week hols). Its going to be fun but hard work. I have foolish ideas that I will get some writing done during that period.
Which brings me onto D101 stuff. Savage North continues apace with John finishing off the art and me the writing. Prepping a Demo scenario, The Beast of Ravenswood, for Furnace that Neil Ford is going to be running. With any luck we’ll have a preview of The Savage North in the con book. I’ve also got a mystery 10 Day Writing project, which I started to break a writers block I had. I think that with all the recent ‘do or die’ release deadlines of OpenQuest and Hearts in Glorantha 3 I got so worried that I froze up. Fortunately the 10 Day Writing project has started me flowing again. I’ll be letting you know what it is on Friday
So in short we are fine, slightly stressed with anticipation of the coming new addition to our family. Here’s a pic of me and the ever impish Evie at a recent trip out to a local pub/restaurant.
Mirrored from Newtworld.