The xmas period just gone was slightly bizarre, but very cool in its own way.
Started with the annual trip to Centre Parcs, this time the Sherwood forest one, where we got trapped under the snow. But a it was a good place to get trapped under the snow
Lots of quality time with the family as well as quite an active schedule of activities.

Next was back to work for the first week of Dec. I had planned a nice end for the year, get various loose ends tied up and end up with a clear intray. What I got instead was a revisit of the skin infection (cellulitis) on my left leg which had me laid off work in May/June earlier this year. Not that I fully realised until I laid in the bath on Friday evening and saw my leg all swollen and red! Up until then I thought I just had a particularly grim cold! This week was also notable since it was my first week working four days a week, since I’ve dropped one day to help with childcare now that Rach is doing her online Masters in Clinical Research. Wednesday is going to my general ‘not-at-work-day’ , as opposed to ‘day off’ because with Henry and Evie to look after that would be a misnomer, and it was good, even though I felt that I was ‘sciving’ and expected a phone call from work any moment.
So the run up to Xmas saw me laid off with this skin infection, which to be honest was a bit of a blessing in disguise since it helped Rachel who was finishing off her first assignment in the first week I was off. The drawback was that I didn’t get to fully focus on getting better until she had submitted.
Thankfully Xmas itself was pretty chilled for our annual family get together. After three years of holding them I reckon every-one’s got the hang of what goes on the big day, including the 3-4 hours of present opening! (which was split into various manageable chunks this year).

The following week, saw me and family potter around whilst fighting cabin fever due to the continuing cold spell.
All in all a relaxing time, which has seen me develop a more chilled out attitude towards life. The challenge now is to take that into the wacky world of work and into a very hectic year ahead.
I don’t do resolutions, but as a Taoist I do do balance. There’s a couple of life-balances that are out of balance at the moment ; health is a big one that I started on meekly last year but must be intensified this year, social life is virtually nil so plans are about to get out and about and work needs further er well work. My plans this year are not to engage upon a mad dash for expansion, but consolidate, solidify and improve upon my lot. That way lies true advancement.
Mirrored from Newtworld.