Category Archives: Family

October 2016

October and the weather is beginning to really go down hill, but we still have the odd surprising really sunny day.

Highlights this month:

  • Work sends me on a training course for a content management system we don’t even have access to
  • Crypts and Things finally gets released to the general public yay!
  • Having fun at Furnace 2016 despite the whole con being ill.
  • I start staring 50 in the face (thanks Carl Greatbach for that horrible metaphor that is stuck in my head!) as I hide from the world celebrating my 45 birthday!
  • An efficiently run Halloween 🙂
H and his conkers!
H and his conkers!
Rach is cross at Christmas being in the shops this early!
Rach is cross at Christmas being in the shops this early!
Off to Furnace on the train, something I've not done in about 10 years
Off to Furnace on the train, something I’ve not done in about 10 years
First cuppa of the Con
First cuppa of the Con (oh how old I’m getting, this used to be beer!)
Cueing for games sign up
Cueing for games sign up (me out of shot laughing, because as a GM I don’t have to do this)
The Magic Stall!
The Magic Stall!
MItch my secret Hendos advisor
MItch my secret Hendos advisor
River of Heaven in full flow!
River of Heaven in full flow!
Our pair dressed up for School Book Day
Our pair dressed up for School Book Day
Help I'm in Computer Nerd Central
Help I’m in Computer Nerd Central
Cats in Catnip debauchary shocker
Cats in Catnip debauchery shocker
Best Birthday Present Ever!!  Tony the Tea makin sloth :)
Best Birthday Present Ever!! Tony the Tea makin sloth 🙂
Grrr! I be Capt Breadhook, where be my enemy Peter Flan!
Grrr! I be Capt Breadhook, where be my enemy Peter Flan!
This year's pumpkin effort
This year’s pumpkin effort
Halloween at the Newport's
Halloween at the Newport’s

September 2016

The main thing I remember was me thinking “Dang I was just getting into Summer!” and feeling a succession of jolts as the ambient energy dropped (that’s seasonal downturn to all you people in normalsville).

Life progressed as normal. Kids where settled back in School. Work continued to be vaguely annoying and indecisive, but I kept my cool and played along.

Henry had an ace small boy birthday, full of toys, meals out with family, a party at a local play place, and the realisation is that he’s now beyond his littlely years and growing up fast!

Big personal news for me was that the final proofs of Crypts and Things landed, and I had it my hands after spending a good two years developing it. That was a feeling you can’t beat! 🙂

Cats have the right idea
Cats have the right idea
H with his birthday MInecraft Lego
H with his birthday MInecraft Lego
Its grim op norf
Its grim op norf
I finally have it my hands! (Lunch to provide idea of scale)
I finally have it my hands! (Lunch to provide idea of scale)
The Sun hadn't vanished entirely - still time to be hunted by cats!
The Sun hadn’t vanished entirely – still time to be hunted by cats!
Off to school you pair!
Off to school you pair!
Arrgh! Stalked by Ninja + Vader!
Arrgh! Stalked by Ninja + Vader!

August 2016

Although most of August was dominated by the holiday, the weeks before and after it was fun. I vaguely remember the weather being much better than usual. Although nowhere near the high summer days of my youth, at least it wasn’t grimmly overcast and raining all the time (yes 2011-2013 I’m looking at you).

Henry playing PIrates of the Carribean
Henry playing Pirates of the Caribbean
Crypts & Things progresses in the proofing stage
Crypts & Things progresses in the proofing stage
Ow me eye!
Ow me eye!
Our duo swinging at the park
Our duo swinging at the park, in front of a petrified Alien from the last invasion.
On your marks! Get set!
On your marks! Get set!
A sunny day at Hollingworth Lake
A sunny day at Hollingworth Lake
Hollingworth Lake: That Green Man gets everywhere!
Hollingworth Lake: That Green Man gets everywhere!
Hollingworth Lake: Of course there was Ice Cream!
Hollingworth Lake: Of course there was Ice Cream!
Back to work, Bowie tells me to behave
Back to work, Bowie tells me to behave
More Manchester Murals
More Manchester Murals

Glastonbury Tales 2016

This was our big two week holiday in the Glastonbury area of Sommerset.  It was slightly delayed due to a bit of drama on Evie’s part. Two weeks before she had broken her front tooth in two, and our dentist very kindly stuck it back together. A miracle of modern science! However we had to have a breif check up (something to do with roots possibly dying) on the Monday afternoon of what would have been our first week. So we delayed driving down until mid monday afternoon, which was a good thing because our Rach wasn’t well (she’s been having problems with her gall blader) and I did all the packing of the tent + clothes + kitchen sink over the weekend.  Drive down was cool. Rach got used to our new trailer (verdict great on the motorway, less so on small countrylands). Bristol was a bit bumpy! Just as folk were tired and tempers were flaring we reached our stop off point, a trusty and chilled out Premier Inn.

Leaving the Land of the Pies aka North West of Englad
Leaving the Land of the Pies aka North West of Englad
Chilling out at a Premier Inn just outside Gloucester, abotu 2/3 way there.
Chilling out at a Premier Inn just outside Gloucester, about 2/3 way there.
Outside the Premier inn, my new trailer just in view at bottom
Outside the Premier inn, my new trailer just in view at bottom

Next day after breakfast we did the last third of the drive and after me and Rach put up the tent, she took the kids to the local supermarket while I did the pegging and moved all the ‘stuff’ into the tent. Which was a good way off doing it 🙂

The first glance of the Tor as we arrived
The first glance of the Tor as we arrived
The big green beast
The big green beast
Its not glamping its "comfatable family camping"
Its not glamping its “comfatable family camping”
Rach cooking smores!
Rach cooking smores!
Smores too!
Smores too!

This time out we did alot of loafing around the campsite, because after last years holiday we realised we were spending too much time on a mission to visit places every day. There were complaints from the kids who wanted to spend more time playing with their new frieds. Also Rach was taking it easy due to not feeling well. But that be said we did Longleat Sarari Park as a big day out, Glastonbury muliple times, and we had a couple of trips to Wells. We also got to go to an outdoor swiming pool a couple of times and visit Rach’s friend Hema (some of you might remember as one of Rach’s bridesmaids at our wedding) and her big BIG Bull Mastiff dogs. So overall we had a good venture out.

Longleat Safari park, as you do :)
Longleat Safari park, as you do 🙂
Sleeping penguins
Sleeping penguins
Cheeky Eve and a stingray
Cheeky Eve and a stingray
The Temple of Doom
At the Temple of Doom
Laziest beasts in the Zoo
Hema & John's Biscuit and Fudge, our Henry.
Hema & John’s Biscuit and Fudge, our Henry.
Evie and Fudge
Evie and Fudge
Greenbank Outdoor swiming pool at Street
Greenbank Outdoor swiming pool at Street
Sign at the counter at Bluenote cafe in Glastonbury
Sign at the counter at Bluenote cafe in Glastonbury
There be dragons!
There be dragons!
Way up to Glastonbury Abbey
Way up to Glastonbury Abbey
Witness the epic ruins of the Abbey...
Witness the epic ruins of the Abbey…
..oh hang about we are too busy playing on our tablets...
..oh hang about we are too busy playing on our tablets…
...or photobombing in the crypt! :)
…or photobombing in the crypt! 🙂

I loved this holiday. From the moment we got to the campsite the whole experience was magical. People joked about “feeling the ley lines” , but I felt a rise in energy the whole time I was there, which hasn’t really gone away since I’ve come back.  I would quite happily come again, but the family now have their sights set even futher south ( after realising we can break the journey quite happily by stoping at a hotel ) and at this point Eurocamp in the South of France is on the cards. Rach is even learning French! But I hope to return the Isle of Avalon at some point – if only to finally walk up the Tor which I missed out on doing this time out.

Glastonbury Tor from our campsite
Glastonbury Tor from our campsite
The enternace to our campsite
The enterance to our campsite
Another beautiful night at our campsite
Another beautiful night at our campsite
Eve stargazing using the Ipad outside our tent
Eve stargazing using the Ipad outside our tent
Evie siting pretty at the playcenture in Wells
Evie siting pretty at the playcenture in Wells
Wells Cathedral
Wells Cathedral
H and the kite at the campsite
H and the kite at the campsite


July 2016 in Photos

Most of July was us just kicking back enjoying the summer and gettnig ready for the camping trip to Glastonbury that was coming up in August.  Weather was pretty meh, occasional sun, a bit of rain (but not very much for our neck of the woods) but mainly overcast. Lots of quality home time though including games and a new barbeque.

Our teeny weeny barbque!
Our teeny weeny barbque!
Nom, Nom, Nom
Nom, Nom, Nom
July was the month that Pokemon Go hit Newports
July was the month that Pokemon Go hit Newports
Henry's first Taekwondo belt
Henry’s first Taekwondo belt
Playing Crypts & Things with the home group
Playing Crypts & Things with the home group
Pirates of the Carribean, rescued from the attic, with our H.
Pirates of the Carribean, rescued from the attic, with our H.
Html 5 Training course with work, find out you've been doing it right all these years without knowing it
Html 5 Training course with work, find out you’ve been doing it right all these years without knowing it

June 2016

After Disneyland Paris and Games Expo it was time to take it easy and just well have a family summer. Which is what according to my photographic record is what we did 🙂

Garden a bit of jungle :)
Garden a bit of jungle 🙂
I am your father!
I am your father!
Going the scenic route home from school pt1
Going the scenic route home from school pt1
Going the scenic route home from school pt2
Going the scenic route home from school pt2
Going the scenic route home from school pt3
Going the scenic route home from school pt3 You can see our house from here
Henry and the Stormtrooper
Henry and the Stormtrooper
Boing! Boing! Boing!
Boing! Boing! Boing!
Have at you!
Have at you!
Games afternoon with Grandma
Games afternoon with Grandma
Due to recent failures Project Manager Cthulhu is put under glass
Due to recent failures Project Manager Cthulhu is put under glass
Henry and his dragona
Henry and his dragon
Its not holidays yet Evie
Its not holidays yet Evie
H growing up, but still a happy lad
H growing up, but still a happy lad

Disneyland Paris 2016

So we went to Disneyland Paris end of May/start of June 2016.

A number of things manifested this one quite quickly. The main one was that Rachel has just finished nearly a decade on the wards as a Clinical Midwife, and we wanted to celebrate the end of disrupted weekends, nights shifts and general return to normal family life as she now works as Research Midwife which has normal office hours. So what better way than in a half-term holiday in one of the world’s biggest family orientated resorts. It also dovetailed nicely into the fact that after visiting in 2012 for 3 days (with much of the first day being taken up with travel) we  wanted to go there again when the kids were bigger, but not too big,  and for slightly longer trip of five days.

I’m going to tell this one mainly through pictures and bullet points, because by gum we squeezed a lot into those five days!

Click on any of the images for a larger image in a slideshow.

Friday (Blazing Sun)

  • Up at 3:30 to catch a 6:30 flight from Manchester Airport, which was busy because of Air Traffic controllers strike the day before.
  • Managed breakfast at the pub at Terminal 3 and was shocked to find J W Lees was listed as a craft beer, and people were drinking like it was an evening out (which confused me no end due to lack of sleep).
  • The very comfortable big taxi which zoomed us through lovely french country side (unlike in 2012 were we were all split up on a big crowded bus that took for ever through motorways).
  • Arriving at the Sequoia Lodge Hotel (surrounded by trees and modeled on a Californian Hunting Lodge) where we were staying before going out to the parks (Disney Studio + Fantasy Land) until we could get in our room at 3:30.
  • Had a great time at Disney Studio with a lovely veggie burger lunch at a Dinner in a Van tucked away.
  • Revisit the main parts of the main Disneyland park that we visited in 2012 (Main Street + Fantasy Land) when the kids were too little to do much else.
  • Seeing the Spring Parade, which was lovely but far too energetic.
  • Being beyond tired but having so much fun we all didn’t mind.
  • A nice relaxing swim with all the family at the hotel’s awesome pool.
  • In the evening we had a buffet* tea at the hotel which was awesome.

Saturday (Sunny to Hot and Muggy)

  • The first breakfast which was another awesome all you can eat buffet*. Bowls of  olives, cheese and pureed garlic! Kids ate mainly chocolate (i.e. pain au chocolate, choc cereal, toast with nutella).
  • Legostore in the Disney Village. More lego than the mind can take in.
  • Meeting Micky and the rest of the gang for lunch at Innovations resturant in the Walt Disney Hotel. Being hot sweaty tourist  in the poshest hotels, and the staff making us feel very welcome regardless. Kids had a great time meeting the characters. Henry a bit over enuthasatic (see Goofygate in photos)
  • More rides and wandering round the park (my mind becomes a blur here).
  • Finally getting Henry a Lightsabre, which he’s wanted for ages. it was one of the very groovy build your own ones , which I’ve not seen over here, and are cheaper than the premade ones and double the size. WINNING! 🙂
  • Tea at the hotel again, but it was nice just to get back and eat!

Sunday (Rain on and off)

  • The ran starting to come down and me not having a coat!
  • Going on the Ratatouille ride, which was a big funky 3D experience. The newest and most modern ride.
  • The Earl of Sandwich fast food restaurant, actually owned by descendants of the original Earl of Sandwich (see photo of posh people below). Really quite good for the ‘British fast food place”
  • While Rach sleeps in the afternoon taking the kids for a swim 🙂
  • Afternoon snack at the Colonial Trading Post, and having the weird one of hearing brass band music. It was like being in at home!
  • Pirates of the Caribbean Ride. “Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me!”
  • Late Tea at the Plaza Gardens a big 19th Century French themed all you can eat buffet* . Probably one of the nicest places to eat (despite being one of the cheapest).
  • The light show at 10-11, which was the most fantastic thing ever. Took no photos, completely pointless to even try to capture it.

Monday (Rain all day)

  • Heading off on my own after breakfast to book Henry into the Jedi Academy Show and completely failing because all the places sold out at 9:00 when the early birds from the hotel got there before the gates opened to the General Public at 10:00.
  • Getting to walk round the Nautilus from 20000 Leagues Under the Sea in Discovery Land.
  • Lunch at King Ludwig’s Castle. Probably the worst food and customer service of any of the food outlets, but by god the most bonkers surroundings!
  • Backstage tour, which starts really quiet and then takes you onto a special effects stage – where the fun really starts 😉
  • Getting to see the Jedi Academy Show as we sheltered it the building that houses it while having afternoon snack. Young padwan’s using the force to lift R2D2 and defeat Darth Vadar and Stormtrooper pals.
  • Seeing the rain come down and being transported across time and space to Disneyland Manchester, where you can go on any ride you want without any ques as long as you don’t mind getting soaked to the skin. Which is what we did 🙂
  • Doing the shopping arcades on main street. Rachel and Evie bought the first of many Disneyland Pins (metal badges) to keep and swop with the cast members.
  • Tea at the New York Dinner at the Rockafella hotel. We did this in 2012 and while it was all you can eat buffet* (American style) it was very quiet and relaxed. We even got to chat to another British family which was nice.

Tuesday (Overcast with rain)

  • A quite mooch around the village buying some last miniute souvenirs and more pins since Rach’s US contacts on Farcebook had come back with their bulk orders 🙂
  • Didn’t attempt to go on any rides, because we had done the last of them the previous day.
  • Having our last lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, which is an animatronic delight.
  • Another most excellent ride back to the airport via a Transfer taxi. The kids even got to watch the new Lion King movie (which was cool because they were so tired).
  • Getting home at a reasonable time, unpacking the car and going to bed before Zombiefication hit in!


*You’d think with all these all you can eat buffets (which we all took advantage of) and mention of regular big meals at the restaurants I would have put on loads of weight? Absolutely not, when we averaged 8-10 miles of walking a day (Rachel had Fit Bit on) and went swimming with the kids everyday.  I found I had actually lost seven pounds when I had got home! On holiday we are not sit on the beach types!

Make an attempt to speak French. The cast members (which is what they call all the staff from dancers to restaurant staff) really appreciate it and you really make their day. Even my awful school boy French worked a treat. We got extra special points because our Henry is a rather huggy boy and at home we’ve told him he has to ask before hugging. So Rachel taught him the French for “Please can I have a hug?” which charmed the staff up no end 🙂


More Ted

My mum came round today to visit and dropped of a file of clippings and photos of my Grandad Ted and some of his sculptures.

A piece called Embryo, now at Edge Hill College Ormskirk. Taken in his back yard in deepest darkest Cheshire:)
Not sure if this ended up in Castlefield Roman Fort, as one of three “Sheep of Peace” just opposite Manchester Science Museum, or if it was a standalone piece. Photo from an exhibition in Holland, so I reckon he was pro-Euro (he certainly had a Dutch Art Agent).
Mum doesn’t like this, me its growing on me slowly 🙂
One of his pigs 🙂
I had one of those “Omg I have a vaguely famous person in my family” moments when I looked at this closely and realised this was his obituary in The Guardian Wednesday October 16 1991(three days after he died).
Zoomed in version of the Guardian obituary, if anyone knows if the Dead Rhino piece exists and is available to view please let me know.

May 2016 in Photos

Another catch up photo post, this time for May.


Spring finally gets here, garden goes beserk in response 🙂 Nice to have some ‘normal’ weather for a change.

Evie turns nine, we go bowling and lazerquesting with her friends. Parents some how survive the experience of the small girls screaming and squealing. Touching moment when they all broke into song singing five or so songs from Joseph’s Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat which they are doing with school soon.

A day out in Manchester with the family, travelling via the tram (which was a big success) and then pottering about town centre. Surprisingly this is something we’ve never done before.

Getting the proofs for my latest book Project Darklight (squee!!!) 🙂

The much delayed Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Kickstarter finally delivering and it being a thing of complete beauty. Hats off to Mike Mason and Paul Fricker 🙂

British Bubble Time!
British Bubble Time!
British Bubble Time! Pt2
British Bubble Time! Pt2
My new book Project Darklight
My new book Project Darklight
Strange things near my work: Archimedis gets out of his bath
Strange things near my work: Archimedis gets out of his bath
The Sackville St Building where I work.
The Sackville St Building where I work.
Finally here Call of Cthulhu 7th!
Finally here Call of Cthulhu 7th!
Evie's 9th Birthday
Evie’s 9th Birthday
Our road in bloom
Our road in bloom
Ice Cream!
Ice Cream!
Warning Wizards at Work!
Warning Wizards at Work!
Oh no, here as well!
Oh no, here as well!
Our Millie Cat guards the tea
Our Millie Cat guards the tea
Taming the jungle
Taming the jungle
Ahoy! Small boy at play
Ahoy! Small boy at play
Shopping in Manchester with Evie
Shopping in Manchester with Evie
Going through the Arndale Tunnel
Going through the Arndale Tunnel
Henry hugs a Stormtrooper
Henry hugs a Stormtrooper

April 2016 in photos

Another photo post to sum up what happened earlier in the year (I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S JUNE ALREADY!!!!).


Evie’s Birthday diner at Frank and Bennies + ‘test’ bowling at the end fo the month, which Uncle George came over the t’other side of the hills for.

7 Hills Gaming convention – which kinda snuck up on me and was a ton of fun.

The stupid pointless office move, into smaller digs because Research IT want our big office. Bah! 😛

The variable weather, one moment its Winter the next its Summer! Spring really didn’t happen.  Once again its either Climate change or bloody Ragnorok! 🙂

My new set of passport photos
My new set of passport photos
Outbreak of Summer
Outbreak of Summer
"That's my childhood in a box!" Declan's attic surprise at 7 Hills
“That’s my childhood in a box!” Declan’s attic surprise at 7 Hills
Black Hacked at 7 Hills
Black Hacked at 7 Hills
Humour in the office, fighting back the tears of an office move
Humour in the office, fighting back the tears of an office move
Evie at cross country
Evie at cross country
New chess board, courtesy of John Ossoway
New chess board, courtesy of John Ossoway
Punky Penguins visit Chewbacca's Homeworld
Punky Penguins visit Chewbacca’s Homeworld
The cheeky duo with Uncle George
The cheeky duo with Uncle George
Bowling for the Win!
Bowling for the Win!
Evie's birthday meal at Frankie and Bennies
Evie’s birthday meal at Frankie and Bennies
Newt Beer!
Newt Beer!