Everything is alright

We’re on day six of Dad part 2 and after a tired day from hell, mainly down to me waking up on the wrong side of bed and staying there until we had a break from the house at Grandma Elaine’s new bungalow (a lovely family meal to celebrate mine and Rach’s 5th Wedding anniversary), I find myself happy with the role that I’ve cast myself. I think I shouted ‘Hey every thing’s back to normal’ too quickly at a stage where I’m not 100% what ‘normal’ is, and paid the price as a result. Felt massively swamped and heading straight towards the Big Black Pit of Despair as a result. Fortunately someone in here likes me and at this moment stuck in the the Total Perspective Vortex, I got the overwhelming peaceful feeling that everything is alright. My mind tired as it was tried to argue the case against this happy state of harmony, but what ever force was at work was far too strong for my deep rooted pessimism. So mind gave in and all was good :)

I think this is going to be my personal motto from now on in “Everything is alright”, not in a fluffy over optimistic way were I can bum my way through life, but in a life affirming negativity busting way. I’ve been making vast headway recently changing my life for the better (through the power of AWESOME and WIN), but there always remained a deep seated nagging fear that Everything was Wrong on every level conceivable. Its now time to chuck that out that attitude and move on :)

Everything is alright :)

Mirrored from Newtworld.

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