Had a good run recently in the long nights alone waiting for Henry to arrive.
The Watchmen. Loved it. From reviews I read both here and there I didn’t expect to but I was serious eye candy that was a decent adaptation of the comic imho. Bear in mind I’m quite forgiving when it comes to movie versions of comics and books, being quite willing to accept changes and that somethings don’t make it in the transision. That said nearly lost me with the new ending, but I eventually settled down and realised that the comic’s ending would not have worked on the big screen the same way.
No Country for Old Men One of the Cohen brothers’ thrillers and boy did it not dissappoint Slow burning is an understatement, but it was worth it as a very detailed study of villiany (the main character is the killer of the piece) and the lawmen who opposed him (Tom Lee Jones at the height of his powers). A haunting film.
Mirrored from Newtworld.