Category Archives: Heart matters

The Magnificent Journey begins !

So here we are all present and correct in February.

January was a hell of a month and whizzed past at a terrifying pace.  Gradually I got used to the fact I now work two mini-weeklets seperated by a day at home. Its nice since it gets me away from the stress at work and into the bussom of my family on Wednesday, when I’m Dad in charge!!

Went down to Sheffield a the end of the month and back in time ten years when I went out with George on the town to celebrate his birthday. Had a skin full of real ale at various pubs and got a lot of exercise walking between said pubs up and down the hills of Sheff.  Throughly recommend local ska band Jungle Lion which we saw in a crowded late night bar which sold Hobgoblin on draft :)   Ended up at Al’s a mate of George’s gaff with discs being spin early into the morn. As I say time travel 10 years into my past ;)

It safe to say I’ve spent the last three weeks or so not knowing whether I was coming or going. Its quite strange, like a tidal wave rippling through my psyche.  So I’ve learnt how to balance myself and stay happy and calm no matter what, focusing alot of techniques I’ve learnt over the last twenty years. It all came together in a sold and tangable form at the begining of the week in an experience that I can describe as highly spiritual.

So now there are no ceilings, no worries, no fear :)

Time to watch it all peacefully unfold.

Mirrored from Newtworld.

Metal, RPG Geekery and Fatherhood, i.e. business as usual

Been a while since I updated but here’s a summary of what I’ve been upto (… come the bullet points).

Beating off the Winter Blooz, lets face it kids its still cold out there. Doesn’t mean it has to be in here 😉

Metal!!!! Went to see Metallica at the MEN Arena last night with Nice Andy. Had tea at the Marble Arch, a real ale pub and microbrewery coming out of Manchester. Really nice grub and serveral of their lovely beers left me a bit worse for wear later.  Best of all though discovered that their head brewer, James, is a mate from Leeds who left in the mid 90s to learn the art of brewing in Sheffield. Had a very quick catch up and it was damn nice to see him again 🙂  Then onto the souless concreate bowl that is the MEN Arena. Don’t get me wrong Metallica was on form, but the venue really didn’t do it for me. I guess I’m getting too old and grumpy to stand in enormo domes looking down at a group of ants on the stage.

RPG – steadly working away here. Infinte War my Theme for gspearing ‘s Wordplay was delivered. 7000 words of Timetravelling Weirdness inspired by Fritz Leiber’s The Big Time and Micheal Moorcock’s Jerry Cornellius stories. March’s big thing is going to be SimpleQuest, which dispite some last minitue quibbles over the rules is on track for completetion this weekend. Then the rest of March editing by gspearing  and layout by me. Hearts in Glorantha 3 steadly comes together, with an underwater feature being on the cards with 18 pages of Ocean Monsters by Nick Davison and a 20 page epic Dwarf adventure set in a brass submarine 🙂 Also things are afoot so I’ll be able to get HiG available via a couple of UK shops who also do online for the rest of the world, so you can get a print version without paying the riddiclous P&P charge.

Father hood – continues to be one of the most vindicating and enjoyable experiences of my life. Evie is growing up fast and continues to be a bright and sparky little girl. Shes well on the way to being fully potty trained after a week of trying and her talking is coming on strong. Oh and she doesn’t walk anywhere, she runs! Just like her late Great Grandmother Ethel 🙂

Further information

Keep the Lasagna Flying

Heck you turn your back for one second and one of your personal culture heroes pops his clogs.

It is deep regret that I have to inform you that Robert Anton Wilson passed away on Jan 11th of this year.

If you have any interest in Literature please go read The Illuminatus Trilogy

If you have any interest in movies please track down and absorb his screenplay Reality is what you can get away with

Robert Anton Wilson brought to you by the number 23, the Goddess Eris and the Illuminati (strangely at the same time) and Cats in Boxes that may or may not be dead.

His final words from his blog

“Various medical authorities swarm in and out of here predicting I have between two days and two months to live. I think they are guessing. I remain cheerful and unimpressed. I look forward without dogmatic optimism but without dread. I love you all and I deeply implore you to keep the lasagna flying.

Please pardon my levity, I don’t see how to take death seriously. It seems absurd.