
Yesterday kicked off to an awesome start, with a 7:30 rise and both Tai-chi and exercise

After a spirited start ran out of steam by lunch. Then Darth had a panic about some missing papers, which kinda brought it into focus that I needed to catch up with the filing, something I will try and get truely aniled down next week when David is off.

Popped round to see Foz, who has gruesomely fractured his right leg falling off a skateboard on Saturday. The man was in great spirits despite being his own one man version of “Casualty”.

Spent the rest of the afternoon playing with MEDS (our new electronic filing system, which is at this stage is a quirky beta program), until the next bombshell was dropped.

Thats right Little Bother Boy (section head) is off to a job in the Welsh office, at the begining of September. Hoorah say I ! He has steered the section in a new direction, what we’re not too sure yet, but at the cost of rubbing us up the wrong way at some point or another…and yes his departure will leave us short staffed and leaderless at another crucial point of the year..again.

If the rats are leaving the ship so must I

Sweetie Petie and Ivan came round tonight and we chewed the cud for hours, this all coming about since I have known Pete since Uni but haven’t seen him in the flesh for two years, even though he lives in Leeds. Good job we stayed in touch via E-mail. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again “I love the Internet!”

There was an amusing inciedent involving a meewing toy cat and Pete’s arse, and my job was likened to the man clearing up and filing away after the inifite number of monkeys writing Hamlet (rant in the post)

Promises were made to meet once again to go for a drinking session, and this was probably made reality by cutting short the nver ending flow of chat at eleven.

I’m Back !!!!!

Did you miss me? If so you need a bigger gun….

Got back from Convulsion 2K in Leicester yesterday. It was tres excellent and relaxo! A nice break from Leeds and reality. I’ll post a more complete account of the Weekend’s events on my homepage, probablly on Saturday.

If earlier this month was the wave picking up, and me being swept along, now I’m surfing the wave in fine style indeed.

lets see where it takes me kids.

Sleepy yet satisfied

And so it came to pass that the cats stayed up yowling all night and Newt did get very little sleep.

And the Lady of Smethurst had to catch the early train to Milton Keynes, for whcih she was not pleased, at quarter to the severn.

Therefore all things did conspire to have Mr Newt have a long (8 1/2 hours) day at work. All stages of sleep deprivation where passed though, from feeling warm and cuddly, to scaty and dogtired. But a great deal of work was done, in fact the back of the work was broken.

Which was all very goodly…for I’m of to Convulsion on Friday.



Have you ever felt like you we’re a human spining top?

I think I have had that experience today. Spent much of tonight talking with Rachel and my family getting some sense of reality. Things have not been altogether real since Ralph & Rhainion’s fairy tale wedding. Now the apsirations for the future, moving house, doing the Computer Master’s may be exceeding my capablities. Not that they are beyond my reach…just that a dose of reality is required…………………………….I Jump! (high this time)

The Big Weekend pt 2

Did bugger all on Saturday, except after uploading the latest patch for Half-life spent alot of my time playing the Gathering Mod,which has Bot support, and alsorts of loopy super powers, plus models from Star Wars & the Aliens Films, check it out at.

During the evening stayed in, because frankly I was knacked. Played more HL and drank beer, before gonig to bed at 1.

Sunday woke up on the crest of a wave, and whizzed about getting alsorts of things done. Did tons of housework, set up a e-group for the Roleplaying project I am working on with 4 others, updated the Eurolog site and did some writing for the RPG project (Character Types)

Probably abit too hyper and didn’t go to bed until 1am, after a lengthy discussion with the mirror about some minor issue (bloody carparking rota) at work that is really bugging me.

Up & Down: Heave ho me hearties

Today was weird. Got up early to get ahead at work, I was a bit behind, only to find Darth Stevens was chilled out and easy about the work situation. Little Bother Boy (aka The Section head) was back today, adn ready to take on the world. YAY NOT. Me and Darth where summoned for a telling off, about the little spat we had two week over carkparking vai e-mail. It was very much “you don’t show my section up like that infront of the rest of the branch”. Darth then went for a meeting, and I was summoned in for a chat about work, and it turned out that LBB was concerned that I was being left on my own to do carparking, which I have been. Darth then latter took me to one side to talk about LBB outburst. Seems there seems to be some sort of personality clash going on between these two. I shall avoid. Still gave me some of the most intense 20 miniutes of my life, faithfull viewers.

Other than that had a fairly unproductive day. Oh yes and Claire, who looks as straight as a die, is turning out to be aright weirdo. Thiings are getting very Marx brothers, here.

Came home and had a huge sofa doze, about two hours, after a very satisfying tea. Then surfed a bit and now going to do some more writing.

The Big weekend of Me!

Yup the Big Weekend of Me (BWM!) has begun. Currently in the last phases of bloke time, before the good Lady of Smethurst wakes up and demands her morning hugs. Couples eh?

Have already rekindled my love of Half-life, after months away in unreal Tournament land. UT may have smoother graphics better sound, excellent Bots, but it lacks a certain something……..SOUL! Downloading the latest patch for Half-life and then going to emabark upon a career as a HL mapper yay! This could lead to bigger things……

Had a bit of a grouch session about work unexpectaly when I had a few bevvies. The Lady Smethurst was a gem and patiently listened adviced, and suggested. have now decided to put in for a level transfer at work, for no matter what happens with the masters, I need to get out of my present section. The manaics are going to do third wave PMS pilots and it going to be at least three times as much work, even if we are on the ball, than last year which was a bitch. Darth Stevens already looks 5 years older.

So BMW! is well underway. Today I think I will focus on my games design stuff, whihc involves learning how to design Maps for HL, putting together a Game Design for a driving game I want to do, and an RPG Adventure for the Convention that I’m going to next weekend.

See ya later!


Had a really chilled out day, connected with everything, feeling everything.

More alive than I have ever felt before. Extreme levels of focus and dissassiocation available at my whim.

Work continued to be pleasant. Hummed along on a nice buzz left over from the red wine the previous night.

Then went over to me mates Claire (aka The Lady of Misrule). She was still at work, but I chated with her housemate Alison and Petra who had just popped round after work.

Then Lady M turned up half alive (as goths do). Many profound things were chewed over in conversational form, which I don’t remember here….at present, and then Lady Rach came and picked me upa dn complained bitterly about me being a smelly hippy.

Yah blah yah…looking into the abyss and feeling fine

Its make or break time. Time to have some quality me time, the good Lady Smethurst goes to her parents tomorrow, and get to grips with the quantum leap that has happened in my life over the last year and what is going ro happen in the year.

And of course the most important thing and the only true reality…what is happening NOW!

Feel good hit of the Summer

Mix 1 can of ale, 1 Guiness, 2 Glasses of Wine and a Lasanage of the homemade variety, and you have a very giddy Newt.

Been a good daytoday, the wind is really getting up. Must get my hands on the wheel to steer myself in the right direction soon.

Teh Virtual Home of Mr Newt Wiz A & W